Contributions Needed
We hope that you enjoy your Terrebonne Life Lines when it arrives. It’s all made possible through the hard work and contributions of our members. There is always a need for new materials to publish. Wanda Moore, our editor, needs a continuous flow of materials in order to provide the Society’s membership with a good, healthy variety of articles across the Lafourche, Assumption & Terrebonne parishes area in every issue. From time to time, her reserves dwindle and she has to include more info in one area of research than another.
Sometimes you may run across interesting materials in your research that may not directly apply to you but may be of interest to or apply to others in the Society. At that time, consider obtaining a copy of what you find or abstracting the pertinent info and work it up into an article for the Life Lines. If you don’t feel comfortable writing these things up, pass the info on and someone else can get them ready for inclusion into the Life Lines. But please include your contact info in case some clarifications are necessary. Even if it’s just a 5-generation chart on your family, we would like to have a little input from all our members. And don’t forget pictures. Share them too, if you have them, especially the old ones, and you feel comfortable sharing.
Don’t forget about Queries. If you’re faced with the old proverbial Brick Wall, send us some info pertinent to your needs and we’ll put it out there for others to see. Someone out there may have the answer you seek, or at least point you in the right direction. And don’t forget to send us the answer for inclusion in the Life Lines, if one is provided. You never know who else has that same brick wall.
Descendants of Michel Roger Caissy
Generation No. 1
Michel Roger Caissy was born in 1651 in Ireland, and died after 1715 in Beaubassin, Acadia. He married Marie Francoise Poirier about 1668 in Port Royal, Acadia. She was born between 1649 – 1651 in Port Royal, Acadia. She died in Beaubassin, Acadia.
Children of Michel Roger Caissy and Marie Francois Poirier:
- Marie in 1668
- Jean in 1676
- ** Pierre in 1678
- Guillaume in 1680
- Michel in 1684
- Madeleine in 1688
- Marie in 1697
- Marie Anne in 1699
Generation No. 2
Pierre Caissy Dit Roger was born in 1678 in Cumberland, Beaubassin, Nova Scotia and died 25 February 1741 in Beaubassin, Acadia. He married Maria Therese Mirande in Beaubassin, Acadia. She was born 28 November 1683 in Beaubassin, Acadia and died in Beaubassin, Acadia.
Children of Pierre Caissy Dit Roger and Maria Therese Mirande:
- ** Michel Joseph Caissy born 1707, died 1751
- Cecile Caissy born 1709
- Joseph Caissy born 1711
- Anne Caissy born 1713
- Marquerite Caissy born 1717
- Agnes Caissy born 1719
- Alexia Caissy dit Roger born 1721, died 1780
Generation No. 3
Michel Joseph Caissy Dit Roger was born in 1707 and died in 1751. He was married to Catherine Poirier. His second wife was Rosalie Comeau.
Child of Michel Joseph Caissy Dit Roger and Rosalie Comeau:
- ** Joseph Caissy Dit Roger born 14 July 1744 in Beaubassin, Acadia, and died June 1818 in Thibodaux, Louisiana.
Generation No. 4
Joseph Caissy Dit Roger was born 14 July 1744 in Beaubassin, Acadia, and died June 1818 in Thibodaux, Louisiana. He married Anastasie Dugas 2 November 1769 in Saint James (Cabanocey), St. James, Louisiana, daughter of Jean Dugas and Marie Gaudin. She was born in 1738 at St. Jean, Acadia, Canada. She died 3 August 1811 in Plattenville, Louisiana. She was the widow of Amable Robichaux.
Joseph Caissy Dit Roger was a Fusileer in 1779 in the American Revolution. Roster of the Volunteers from the company of Militia of La Fourche des Tchetimachas. Source: The Acadian Coast in 1779 Settlers of Cabanocey and LaFourche in the Spanish Province of Louisiana during the American Revolution by Winston De Ville
Children of Joseph Roger and Anastasie Dugas:
- Joseph Roger was born 1770
- Marie Rose Anastasie Roger was born 6 Jan 1771 is St James Parish, Louisiana. Died 7 Oct 1815 in Thibodaux, Lafourche, Louisiana.
- Gregoire Roger was born Jan 1774. Died 18 July 1775 in Donaldsonville, Louisiana.
- George Roger was born 30 May 1775 in Donaldsonville, Louisiana
- ** Francois Roger was born 13 Feb 1776 in Donaldsonville, Louisiana and died 18 September 1829 in Thibodaux, Louisiana. Buried in St. JosephCemetery in Thibodaux, Louisiana.
- Rosalie Roger was born 18 Sept 1777
Generation No. 5
Francois Roger married Marquerite Leblanc 24 January 1802 in AssumptionChurch, Plattenville, Louisiana. She was born 13 May 1782 in Chantenay, France, died 27 June 1827 in Thibodaux, Louisiana. Daughter of Pablo LeBlanc and Ana Boudreaux. Buried in St. JosephCemetery in Thibodaux, Louisiana.
Children of Francois Roger and Marquerite Leblanc:
- Marie Euphrosine Roger born About 1801
- Francois Hypolite Roger born 3 June 1804 in Plattenville, Louisiana
- ** Louis Onezime (Olezime) Roger was born 3 June 1806 in Thibodaux, Lafourche Parish, Louisiana
- Marquerite Roger born 10 April 1808 Donaldsonville, Louisiana
- Francois Roger born 26 March 1810 in Plattenville, Louisiana
- Joseph Zenon Roger born 1813
- Seraphine Roger born About 1815
- Benjamin Seraphin Roger born 20 April 1817
- Celeste Roger born 12 May 1819
- Elizabeth (Lise) Roger born 3 Feb 1824
Generation No. 6
Louis Onezime (Olezime) Roger married Marie Philonese Larose 21 April 1834 at St. Joseph Co Cathedral in Thibodaux, Louisiana. She was born 03 June 1806 in St James Parish, Louisiana.
Children of Louis Onezime (Olezime) Roger and Marie Philonese Larose:
- Louis Onezime (Olezime) Roger was born 24 April 1835 in Thibodaux, Louisiana
- Joseph Amede Roger was born 18 November 1836 in Thibodaux, Louisiana. Died 6 Feb 1908.
- Marie Mathilde Roger was born About 1837 in Thibodaux, Louisiana. Died 7 July 1841.
- Francois Roger was born 25 November 1840 in Thibodaux, Louisiana
- Charles Roger was born 11 October 1842 in Thibodaux, Louisiana
- Pierre Roger was born 29 June 1845 in Thibodaux, Louisiana
- ** Francois Olezime Roger was born 2 October 1846 in Larose, Louisiana. Died 11 April 1918 in Larose, Louisiana. Buried in Our Lady of the RosaryCemetery in Cut Off, Louisiana.
Generation No. 7
Francois Olezime Roger married Marie Victoria Bourgeois 8 June 1865 in Lockport, Louisiana. She was born 11 April 1850 died 19 August 1913. Buried in Our Lady of the RosaryCemetery in Cut Off, Louisiana.
Children of Francois Olezime Roger and Marie Victoria Bourgeois:
- Louis Albert Roger was born 3 April 1866 in Lockport, Louisiana
- Philomene Clotilde Roger was born 7 April 1868 in Lockport, Louisiana
- ** Romain Clebert Roger was born 27 April 1870 in Lockport, Louisiana, died 5 June 1956
- Francois Roger was born 24 March 1872 in Lockport, Louisiana
- Rosalie Angelique Roger was born 2 September 1874 in Larose, Louisiana
- Denys Roger was born 8 November 1876 in Larose, Louisiana
- Adela Agathe Roger was born 4 August 1878 in Larose, Louisiana
- Marie Emma Roger was born 4 November 1882
- Joseph Lovince Roger was born 19 December 1885 in Larose, Louisiana
Francois Olezime Roger, Civil War Pvt. Cos. G (Lafourche Creoles), B, 18th La. Inf. En. Oct 5, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on all rolls to Aug., 1862. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1863. Present on register of Prisoners of War, dated April 30, 1863, Captured Bayou Teche, La., April 25, 1863. Exchanged New Orleans, 1863. Source: Louisiana Secretary of State Vital Records, Confederate Pension Applications Index Database
Generation No. 8
Romain Clebert Rogers married Marie Richoux 25 January 1895 in Larose, Louisiana. She was born 3 April 1876 in Larose, Louisiana and died 11 September 1954. She is the daughter of Adam Victorin Richoux (son of Jean Pierre & Pauline Daigle) born 8 March 1847 and Rebecca Savoie (daughter of Jourdain & Clemence Richard) born 2 February 1853. They were married 27 January 1872 in Lafourche Parish, Louisiana.
Children of Romain Clebert Rogers and Marie Richoux:
- ** Lena Marie Rogers born 29 November 1896 in Lockport, Louisiana. Died 23 February 1988 in Houma, Louisiana. Buried RogersCemetery in Bayou Blue, Louisiana
- Adelia Elizabeth Rogers was born 20 November 1898 inLarose,Louisiana, died 7 November 1986. She was married to a Rossi.
- Ruth
- Mitchell
- Clemence Marie Rogers was born 18 March 1900 inLarose,Louisiana died 19 July 1987. She married Joseph E. Eschete born 2 January 1894 died 1 February 1968. He is buried in theRogersCemetery in Bayou Blue,Louisiana. His tomb reads: PVT Btry B 141 Fld Arty World War I.
- Rena
- Herbert died August 2006
- Rose Clemilia Rogers was born 5 March 1902 and died 26 August 1974. She was married to Richard John Ruttley born 28 March 1929 and died 31 January 1999. Both buried inRuttleyCemetery,Laffite,Louisiana.
- Aletha
- Richard John (Dick) born 28 March 1929 died 31 January 1999
- Max
- Clement Vital Rogers was born 15 June 1903 in Larose, Louisiana, died 22 May 1985. He is buried in the RogersCemetery, Bayou Blue, Louisiana. He was married to Mary Jane Caro Rogers born 10 July 1900 and died 26 Jan 1950.
a. Clement (Clemile Eugene) Jr. (T-Clay) Birth: 27 JUN 1897 in Larose, Louisiana, Death: 27 MAR 1939 in St. Joseph Hospital, Thibodaux, Louisiana, Burial: 28 MAR 1939 HolySaviorCatholicCemetery, Lockport, Louisiana married Angeline Bye
- Note: In the 1930 Census of Lafourche Parish, Evaluation District 15, Clema (Clemile Eugene) Roger is listed as head of household age 33 and lives with his wife Odile (Odelia Bourgeois) age 27, sons Louis age 10 and Roy age 3, daughters Virgie age 8, Verlie age 6 and Velma age 2 months. He is listed as a mechanic on a farm.
Obituary: ROGER — At St. Joseph hospital, Thibodaux, La., on Monday, March 27, 1939, at 8 o’clock p. m., CLAY ROGER, husband of Odelia Bourgeois, father of Louis, Vergus, Verlin, Velma, Roy and Jimmie Roger, aged 42 years. Funeral took place from the late residence, Gheens, La., on Tuesday, March 28, 1939, at 5 o’clock p. m. Services at the Holy Savior Catholic church, Lockport, La. Interment in the Holy Savior Catholic cemetery, Lockport, La. Falgout Funeral Home, Raceland, La., in charge. [Source: The Times Picayune, New Orleans, Louisiana, 29 Mar 1939, p. 2, c. 8]
i. Louis Joseph Birth: 30 OCT 1919 in Gheens, Louisiana, Death: 10 JUN 1991 in Gheens, Louisiana, Burial: JUN 1991 Lockport, Lafourche Parish, Louisiana
- Note: A Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated at 10 a.m. Wednesday at St. Anthony Catholic Church in Gheens for Louis Joseph Rogers, 71, a native and resident of Gheens who died at noon Monday. Visitation will be from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. today and from 8 a.m. until funeral time Wednesday at the church. Interment will be in Holy Savior Cemetery in Lockport. He was the husband of Angeline Bye Rogers; father of Roland, Michael and Kenneth Rogers and Gail Wilson; brother of Roy, Jimmy and Roland Verdun, Vergis Becnel and Virlie and Velma Rogers. He is also survived by nine grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents, Odelia Bourgeois and Clemile Eugene Rogers. Donations may be made to the American Cancer Society. Falgout Funeral Home of Raceland is in charge of arrangements. [Daily Comet, June 10, 1991, Submitted by: Chris Tidwell]
Tombstone in Lockport Cemetery: Louis J. Rogers, Oct 30, 1919 – June 10, 1991
Angeline B. Rogers July 4, 1923 – Nov 5, 1997
- Hazel (T-Tit)
- Pearl (T-Pearl)
- Morgan J Rogers was born 24 November 1904 died 21 September 1975. He married Armance C Rogers born 25 February 1902 and died 27 March 1984. Both buried in theRogersCemetery, Bayou Blue.
- Marie
- Selene
- Judith Rogers was born 20 December 1906 and died 28 October, 1968. She married Louis O. Adam born 26 September 1900 and died 5 June 1973. Both are buried in theAdamCemetery,Barataria,Louisiana.
- Lula Lizette (Coleet)
- Elizabeth (Noog)
- Theresa Rogers was born 20 November 1908, married 1st husband Leon M. Ruttley born 24 February 1902 and died 15 May 1926. 2nd husband Oliver Adam. She is buried in an unmarked grave inWestlawnCemetery,Gretna,Louisiana.
- No children
- Mathilda Rogers was born 13 November 1910 inEagleIsland,Lafourche,Louisiana, died 6 May 2006. Married to Harold Alexander Ruttley.born 2 November 1908 and died 4 April 1988. Both buried inRuttleyCemetery, Lafitte,Louisiana
- Leon (Tu-Tu)
- Leona (Tootie)
- John Thomas (Tom)
- Elva Mae
- Harold Jr. (B-Boy)
- Norman Joseph Rogers was born 8 July 1913. Married Edna. Buried in Westlawn Cemetery, Gretna, Louisiana.
- Martha Rogers
- Carla (adopted from his wife’s family)
- John Andrews Rogers was born 24 June 1917 and died 10 August 2002. He was a Paratrooper inWorld War II,US Army, TEC 5. BuriedRuttleyCemetery, Lafitte,Louisiana. Married Della Savoie died 15 December 2002 inBarataria,Louisiana.
- Donna
- Lana
Generation No. 9
Lena Marie Rogers married Levice Eschete 18 January 1913 in Lafourche Parish, Louisiana. He was born 18 January 1890 in Larose, Louisiana, died 1945. Buried RogersCemetery, Bayou Blue, Louisiana. Son of Lindnor Eschete and Aglae Cleophine Barrios.
Children of Lena Marie Rogers and Levice Eschete:
- Alcee J. Eschete
- George O. Eschete was born 18 November 1923 and died 24 September 1983 in Houma, Louisiana. He was married to Ida Ruth Martin Eschete Lombas born 8 August 1927 and died 19 January 1998
- Lillian Eschete Porche was born 26 October 1913 and died 20 July 1991 in Lockport, Louisiana
- ** Beulah Eschete was born 19 December 1916 in Lockport, Louisiana, died 5 March 1970 in Houma, Louisiana
- Mildred Eschete was born Jan 1918
- Raleigh Daniel Eschete was born 28 October 1920 in Lockport, Louisiana and died 27 June 1987. He was a Corporal, US Army, World War II
Generation No. 10
Beulah Eschete married Yancy Peter Dupre 23 November 1935 in Lafourche Parish, Louisiana. He was a carpenter. He was born 31 January 1916 in Houma, Louisiana, died 1 November 1978 age 62 at CharityHospital, New Orleans, Louisiana. He was the son of Joseph William Dupre born 17 November 1885, died 17 January 1956 and Josephine Agnes Thibodaux born 30 March 1889, died 16 April 1977.
Children of Beulah Eschete and Yancy Peter Dupre:
- Amos Joseph Dupre was born 13 November 1936 in Houma, Louisiana
- Gloria Marie Dupre was born 28 May 1938 in Houma, Louisiana
- ** Jerry Joseph Dupre, Sr., was born 8 February 1940 in Houma, Louisiana
- Kerry Peter Dupre was born 8 August 1941 in Houma, Louisiana
Generation No. 11
Jerry Joseph Dupre Sr. married Patsy Mary Brunet 6 June 1961 in Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana. She was born 17 August 1937 in Houma, Louisiana, died 31 January 2007 in Houma, Louisiana. Buried St.FrancisCemetery #2 in Houma, Louisiana. She was the daughter of Thomas Mitchell Brunet Sr. born 17 January 1917 and died 13 August 1986 and Anita Garnet Galley born 27 October 1916 and died 13 August 1944. Thomas was the son of Aurestile Theodule Brunet born 14 August 1884, died 14 July 1951 and Daphney Marie Brunet born 29 March 1890 and died 27 January 1918. Anita was the daughter of Angelo Oscar Galley born 31 March 1878 and died 24 May 1944 and Lourenza Courteau born 14 August 1888 and died 10 January 1946. Patsy’s second marriage to Leroy Joseph Bourg born 8 December 1946 in Houma, Louisiana
Married second wife Marsha Lapeyrouse born 28 November 1946 in Houma, Louisiana
Children of Jerry Joseph Dupre Sr and Patsy Mary Brunet:
- Sherry Ann Dupre was born 9 February 1962 in Houma,Louisiana. Married Bobby Joey Fonseca fromLockport,Louisiana on 4 April 1981 inSchriever,Louisiana.
- Bryan Joey Fonseca born 23 July 1986 inHouma,Louisiana. Married Shaterra Nicole Carrere born 28 September 1987 in Bay St Louis, Mississippi. Married on 13 April 2006 inWichita Fall,Texas i. Cadence Nicole Fonseca born 24 February 2008 in Altus, Oklahoma.
- Kristie Marie Fonseca born 11 December 1992 in Houma, Louisiana
- Katie Lynn Fonseca born 20 December 1994 in Houma, Louisiana
- Jerry Joseph Dupre, Jr., was born 21 June 1963 inHouma,Louisiana. Married first wife Patricia Ann Leaf of Houma,Louisiana. Divorced About 1983.
- Tabatha Alisha-Ann Dupre born 6 March 1983 inHouma,Louisiana. Married Jared Anthony Foret on 4 May 2007 in Raceland,Louisiana
- i. Jarek Jaysen Foret born 4 December 2004 in Thibodaux, Louisiana
Married second wife Vivian Michelle Edwards born in Michigan married in Gray, Louisiana. Divorced.
Married third wife Penny Ann Domangue born 24 July 1970 from Chauvin, Louisiana on 19 May 1990 in Chauvin, Louisiana. Divorced 21 November 2008.
- Lainey Ann Dupre born 25 September 1991 in Houma, Louisiana
- Trent James Dupre born 7 July 1993 in Houma, Louisiana
- ** Connie Ann Dupre was born 22 July 1964 in Houma, Louisiana
Generation No. 12
Connie Ann Dupre Rochel Gaines married Dennis John Rochel born 25 June 1961 son of Billy Ray Rochel of Gibson, Louisiana and Gail Ann Ledet of Thibodaux, Louisiana. Divorced 28 March 2003. Second Marriage to Paul Edmund Gaines born 9 January 1959 in Anniston, Alabama, died 22 December 2009 in Mathews, Louisiana, son of Jack Roscoe Gaines of Anniston, Alabama and Oma Mae Hill of Fort Payne, Alabama:
** Renee Elizabeth Rochel was born 14 March 1991 in Houma, Louisiana
** = denotes paternal lineage from Michael Roger Caissy to Renee Elizabeth Rochel – 340 years of ancestral heritage.
Submitted by: Connie Ann Dupre Rochel Gaines, October 27, 2009