Transcribed by Phil Chauvin, Jr.
These are the conveyance records for Terrebonne Parish, LA beginning with #1 (in 1822). We will add to the list as able. They have been split up into multiple web pages so that each doesn’t take too long to open. The original records are in the Terrebonne Parish Courthouse.
Acts # 401 – 600
No. 401 On December 5, 1826 Harriet RATLIF gave power of attorney to Stephen GRIFFIN, her husband, concerning the succession of her father and mother, Robert RATLIF and Elisabeth FIELDS, both deceased in parish of St. Helena in this state. Witnessed by Abraham GRIFFIN and Holden WRIGHT.
No. 402 2/298 On December 14, 1826 H. S. THIBODAUX sold two slaves to Ann PLE, wife of Samuel B. STURGES for $233.00 to wit: a Negro girl, Therese, aged about 45 years, with child named Laurette of about 14 years of age, which slaves are the same that H. S. THIBODAUX bought at Sheriff’s sale in the Parish of Lafourche Interior on May 31, 1926. Witnessed J. J. DOZER and Jh. DELAPORTE.
No. 403 M. 1/66 On December 14, 1826 Mrs. Ann PLE, wife of Samuel B. STURGES Remuneration to H. S. THIBODAUX slaves Francoise age of about 13 years and Soverin of about 8 years, bought by H. S. THIBODAUX at Sheriff’s sale May 31, 1826 in the Parish of Lafourche Interior. Witnessed by J. J. DOZER and Jh. DELAPORTE.
No. 404 2/299 On December 14, 1826 Abram GRIFFIN sold to H. S. THIBODAUX, for $600.00 a certain Negro girl named Patsy, aged of about 22 years, which slave A. GRIFFIN shall warrant. Witnessed by J. J. DOZER and E. G. COLLINGSWORTH.
No. 405 2/300 On December 14, 1826 Henry S. THIBODAUX sold to I. J. DOZER for $166.50 a Negro boy named Severin, of about 8 years of age, which same Henry S. THIBODAUX bought at public sale by the Sheriff of the Parish of Lafourche Interior, on May 31, 1826. Witnessed by E. G. COLLINGSWORTH and Abram GRIFFIN.
No.406 2/301 On December 14, 1826 Henry S. THIBODAUX sold to I. J. DOZER for $550.00 a Negro boy named Isaac, of about 23 years of age. Witnessed by E. G. COLLINGSWORTH and Jh. DELAPORTE.
No. 407 2/297 On December 19, 1826 Alexandre LEJEUNE sold to Henry S. THIBODAUX, for $150.00, a piece of land containing 250 acres, more or less, situated on bayou Little Terrebonne, adjourning a piece of land confirmed to ROGERS, or the half that was confirmed to him in No. 255, in the office of the Register of Lands in New Orleans. Witnessed by LEGENDRE and Augustin MONGEONT.
No. 408 2/302 On December 19, 1826 Henry S. THIBODAUX sold to Widow Pierre MENOUE (Rose Marie LEJEUNE) a piece of land situated at Thibodauxville, containing 140 feet front and same depth, bounded above by land of Mr. WHITE and below by land of the vendor, for $400.00. Witnessed by Jn. LEGENDRE and Jh. MONSAN.
No. 409 On December 19, 1826 Widow Pierre MENOUE (Marie Rose LEJEUNE) sold to Henry S. THIBODAUX for $200.00, 1st. all the rights, titles, and claims, which they have in a piece of land confirmed, on Bayou Terrebonne, containing 640 superficial acres, No. 419 in the Land Office at New Orleans, 2nd. 19 arpens front belonging to Mr. Alexis LEJEUNE, which are presently in his possession, on Bayou Terrebonne, and confirmed as can be seen by reference to No. 616 in the aforementioned land office. Witnessed by Jh. MONSAN and LEGENDRE.
No. 410 2/303 On December 20, 1826 Aubin THIBODAUX sells to Henry S. THIBODAUX, for $1,000.00, a piece of land, situated in this parish, containing 3 Arpens front, by depth certificate of confirmation calls for, bounded above by land of H. S. THIBODAUX and below by land of Leufroy BARRAS. Aubin THIBODAUX declares he has received $400.00 from the succession of his deceased mother, Felicite BONVILLAIN. Witnessed by Jacques VERRET and Jh. DELAPORT.
No. 411 M. 1/69 On December 25, 1826 Pierre BONVILAIN mortgage to Henry S. THIBODAUX for $1000.00, in order to better secure the payment, of said sum, the said BONVILAIN specially mortgages, to Mr. THIBODAUX, one mulatress named Clair, of about 18 years of age, slave for life. Witnessed by Jh. DELAPORTE and Augustin MONGEONT.
No. 412 2/305 On December 28, 1826 Jean Baptiste BEAUSERGEANT sold to Henry S. THIBODAUX 1/12 of a piece of land, containing 30 arpens front, on the left bank of Bayou Grand Caillou, by depth of 20 arpens, confirmed in land office under No. 277, which quantity he has inherited from his father, Albert BEAUSERGEANT, deceased, for $55.00. Witnessed by Jn. Bte. RICHARD and Jn. Bte. MONIER.
No. 413 2/304 On December 28, 1826 widow Albert BEAUSERGEANT (Marie Louise PICHOU) sold to Henry S. THIBODAUX a certain piece of land situated on left bank of bayou Grand Caillou, containing 30 acres front and depth of 20 acres, which land confirmed by the land office No. 277, for $100.00. The land of Albert BEAUSERGEANT Jr., deceased, from whom the lady has inherited is included in this sale. Witnessed by Jn. Bte. RICHARD and Jn. Bte. MONIER.
No. 414 M. 1/72 On December 28, 1826 Auguste PITRE of the parish of Lafourche Interior and Henry S. THIBODAUX of this parish, agreed to wit: that whereas the aforesaid THIBODAUX has by an act passed on September 25, 1826, recorded No. 396 page 16, in Book “D”, sold to PITRE, a certain piece of land for price and sum of $1,000.00, now therefore, for various good reasons, they annul by common consent. Witnessed by Jacques VERRET and Jh. DELAPORTE.
No. 415 On July 15, 1821 Francois FLERES sold to James BOWIE, of the state of Louisiana, parish of Avoyelles, for $95.00, a certain tract or parcel of land situated and lying on Bayou Boeuf, in the county of Lafourche, containing 40 arpens, on each side of said Bayou, by 40 arpens in depth, bounded above by land of LEBBORO and below by vacant land, land granted by Governor GALVEZ on August 7, 1777 and founded on an order of survey. Witnessed by H. DAUGHTER and A. DOWLEN.
No. 416 On April 11, 1817 Jacques MANTARAU of St. Martin Parish, sold to James BOWIE, of Avoyelles Parish, interest and a claim in and to a certain tract of land situated in Parish of Lafourche, on the Bayou Boeuf, containing 30 arpens on both sides of said bayou, by 40 arpens depth, founded in an order of survey and granted to me by Governor GALVEZ on May 5, 1775. Witnessed by Louis DERAU and James SYMPSON.
No. 417 On July 15, 1821 Miguel SATURNENO sold to James BOWIE for $150.00 right, title and interest in a certain tract or parcel of land lying on Bayou Black, in the county of Lafourche, containing 55 arpens on each side of said bayou, by 40 arpens depth, said land was granted me by Governor GAYOSO, on November 2, 1798 and also is founded on an order of survey. Witnessed by Francois DELEON and James BROWN.
No. 418 On July 15, 1821 Louis DUMA sold land to James BOWIE for $120.00 to wit: a certain tract or parcel of land situated and lying on Bayou Caillou in the parish of Lafourche, containing 50 arpens on each side of said bayou, by 40 arpens depth, bounded on the 1798 above by vacant land and below by land of COSSIER. The above tract of land was granted me by Governor GAYOSO, on the 7th of March 1798, and is founded by an order of survey. Witnessed by Juan CHINO and Julian CANO.
No. 419 On March 4, 1817 Jose STANO sold land to James BOWIE for $100.00 to wit: all my right, title, interest, and claim in and to a certain tract or parcel of land situated on Bayou Black, in the parish of Lafourche, containing 40 arpens front on each side of said bayou, by depth of 40 arpens, founded on an order of survey and was granted to me by Governor GAYOL at New Orleans on August 8, 1790. Witnessed by Thomas JACKSON and James WILSON.
No. 420 On July 15, 1821 Antonio PILBERO sold land to James BOWIE for $95.00 to wit: all rights, title, interests and claims to a certain tract or parcel of land situated and lying in the county of Lafourche, on Bayou Boeuf, containing 40 arpens on each side of said bayou, by 40 arpens in depth, bounded above by land of MONTARAU and below by domain. Land was granted to me by Governor GALVEZ on the 2nd day of July 1776 and is founded on an order of survey. Witnessed by G. TRUITER and James SMITH.
No.421 On January 22, 1827 Widow Urbain ARCENEAUX sold to Evariste PORCHE for $130.00 to wit: Yorique, Negro, of about 30 years of age, Pierre, another Negro, of about 27 years of age, to satisfy an obligation, dated June 17, 1825, which was the portion of the said Evariste PORCHE, in the succession of his late father, which obligation amounts to the sum of $1,700.00 and I agree to make necessary payment to discharge the said Evariste PORCHE with regard to Hypolyte PORCHE of the sum of $130.00. Witnessed by Lemuel TANNER and Augustin MONGEONT.
No. 422 2/306 On January 25, 1827 Jacques LEBOEUF sells land to Sebastien TIVET and wife Marie Magdelaine LEBOEUF for $400.00, to wit: a piece of land situated in this parish, containing 5 arpens front on each side of Bayou Terrebonne, by a depth of 10 arpens, bounded above by land of Hyppolite NAQUIN and below by land of Gabriel LEBOEUF. Witnessed by Jh. DELAPORTE and H. C. THIBODAUX.
No. 423 M. 1/74 On January 13, 1827 Pierre GAUTIER mortgage to Messes. LABADIE and LAMOREAUX, merchants living in Thibodauxville, for $400.00 to wit: 1st. a piece of land situated in this parish containing 5 arpens front on each side of Bayou Terrebonne, bounded above by land of Etienne BILIOT and below Pre. Bin. ROUSSEL and 2nd. all of his future property, without exception. One other mortgage on the property to Henry S. THIBODAUX for $400.00. Witnessed by Jacques VERRET and Jh. DELAPORTE.
No. 424 2/307 On February 5, 1827 Jean Charles TERIO Sr. retrocession to Jacques VERRET to wit: a piece of land situated in this parish, containing 5 arpens front, on each side of Bayou Terrebonne, bounded above by land of ——- and below by land of Jph. MILOME, and VERRET gives him full and complete discharge therefor and that sale No. 261 be annulled. Witnessed by Lemuel TANNER and Richard FAIR.
No.425 2/310 On February 6, 1827 Jean Baptiste ROGER sold land to Lemuel TANNER for $50.00 to wit: all of the titles or claims which he, J. B. ROGER has or may have on a piece of land conceded to the heirs of the deceased, Jean Bte. ROGER or to Jean ROGER himself, on Bayou Black or Little Bayou Terrebonne, without designating any quantity. Witnessed by Jh. DELAPORTE and H. C. THIBODAUX.
No. 426 2/308 On February 15, 1827 Etienne BILIOT sold land to Pierre Bertin ROUSSEL for $1000.00 to wit: he sells, cedes, abandons, and obligates himself to deliver a piece of land situated in this parish, containing 6 arpens front on each side of Bayou Terrebonne, by a depth of 11 arpens on each side, bounded above by land of Pierre GAUTIER and below by land sold this day to Jacques VERRET. Witnessed by Jacques VERRET and Claiborne THIBODAUX.
No.427 2/309 On February 15, 1827 Etienne BILIOT sold land to Jacques VERRET for $800.00 to wit: a piece of land situated in this parish, containing 5 arpens front by 11 arpens depth, on each side of Bayou Terrebonne, bounded above by land of Pre. Bin. ROUSSEL and below other land belonging to the vendor. Witnessed by Lemuel TANNER and Pre. Bin. ROUSSEL.
No. 428 2/311 On February 21, 1827 Auguste ROGER sold land to Lemuel TANNER for $50.00 to wit: all of the rights, titles or claims, which he has or may have on a piece of land conceded to the heirs of the deceased Jean ROGER or to Jean ROGER himself, on Bayou Black (L’eau Noir) or Little Bayou Terrebonne. Witnessed by Edouard GROSS and E. PORCHE.
No. 429 2/312 On February 2, 1827 Nathaniel D. FUQUA and John FUQUA sold slaves to Asael GROSS and P. M. SARGENT to wit: a Negro man named Cyrus aged of about 25 years, his wife a black girl named Silvia aged about 23 years, and their 4 children, Tene, aged of about 7 years, Juda, aged of about 5 years, Phillis, aged of about 3 years and Henry, aged of about 18 months, for $1200.00, to be paid as follows: Messes HYDE and MERRIT in New Orleans $90.00, to F. Dessale GAUDIN $92.00, to Pierre Bin. ROUSSEL $79.00, to Wm. RODDY $80.00, to A. GROSS $160.00, to James PORTER, for an execution, $200.00, to J. and N. FUQUA $150.00, to Lemanuel TANNER $80.00, and a negotiable note to J. and N. FUQUA for $269.00. Witnessed by Lemanuel TANNER, John MC HENRY.
No. 430 2/314 On March 9, 1827 Renaud BOUDROT sold land to Pierre Gracien LEBLANC for $500.00 to wit: a piece of land situated in this parish, containing 5 arpens front, more or less, on each side of Bayou Terrebonne, by depth certificate of confirmation calls for, bounded above by land of Francois BOUDROT and below by land of Pelegrain BOUDROT. The said widow Joseph BOUDROT ( Marguerite Ludvine PITRE) who accepts the said payments on account of the payment of a piece of land sold by her this day, to the aforesaid Renaud BOUDROT, as can be seen by reference to No. 431. Witnessed by E. PORCHE and A. H. VERRET.
No. 431 2/213 On march 9, 1827 Widow Joseph BOUDROT sold land to Renaud BOUDROT for $500.00 to wit: a piece of land situated in this parish, containing 5 arpens front, more or less, on each side of Bayou Terrebonne, by depth the certificate of confirmation calls for, bounded above by land of Jn. Baptiste Theodore HENRY and below by land of Isidore BOUDROT. Witnessed by A. H. VERRET and E. PORCHE.
No. 432 On March 10, 1827 a Partnership agreement between Asahel GROSS and Philippe M. SARGENT. Witnessed by Lathrop LEWIS and E. PORCHE.
No. 433 John TALREDO, of the town of Matanzos and Island of Cuba, now in New Orleans, sold land to Rezin Pleasant BOWIE, of the parish of Avoyelles to wit; a certain tract or parcel of land situated in this parish, being and lying on the Bayou Caillou and parish of Terrebonne, front on each side, of said bayou of 1 league, with a depth of 40 arpens, acquired by petition and order of survey signed by Baron de CARONDELET, then governor of the same, bearing a date of December 21, 1794, for $5,000.00. To be paid as follows, 6 Negroes, now in the town of MATANZES, that BOWIE left there in 1823 and the balance in cash by the said R. P. BOWIE, the receipt thereof is hereby acknowledged. Original witnessed by Henry WYCHE and Edward DALY, both of the parish of Catahoula, in state of Louisiana. Witnessed in New Orleans by William RONDEAU and John STRINGER. Signed by R. P. BOWIE, H. WYCHE, Edward DALY, Wm. RONDEAU, J. STRINGER and G. R. STRINGER Notary Public.
No. 434 On March 21, 1827 Auguste ROGER sold land to Jean Charles TERIOT for $50.00 to wit; a piece of land containing 5 arpens front on each side of Bayou Terrebonne, by depth the certificate of confirmation calls for, bounded above by land of J. GREGOIRE and below by land of the purchaser. Witnessed by Jh. DELAPORTE and H. C. THIBODAUX.
No. 435 2/322 On March 22, 1827 James BOWIE sold land to Bernard Edouard HAINS to wit: a certain track of land situated in this parish, on both sides of Bayou Black and measured as follows, beginning at the lower point of survey, of the lands of the said J. BOWIE, from the last– following the line North 64” 16 East, already drawn by the surveyor at the lower side and from the same point, following the line South 83 East also drawn, by the surveyor, as far on these 2 lines, as to include the quantity of 150 acres, for $450.00. Witnessed by Aaron HAINS and E. PORCHE.
No. 436 2/315 On April 2, 1827 Ingo James DOZER sold slaves to H. S. THIBODAUX for $2,700.00 to wit: Isaac, about 23 years of age, Helen, about 18 years of age, Lucinda, about 20 years of age, and her child Henry, about 13 months of age, Louisa, about 12 years of age, and Severin, about 10 years of age. Witnessed by A. RIVIERE and Jh. DELAPORTE.
No. 437 On March 27, 1827 John W. HYDE co-partner of Noah MERRIT, composing the mercantile house of HYDE and MERRIT, received $1,205.00 from Asahel GROSS, for supplies for his plantation, cancels mortgage dated April 13, 1825. Dated April 5, 1827. Signed by Hu. K. GORDON, Notary Public, New Orleans, La.
No. 438 On April 18, 1827 an inventory and appraisement of the succession of Jean Baptiste JANNE, was held at the request of Pierre BILIOT, at his plantation. The total was $232.53, in land and personal property. Inventory was done in presence of Mrs. Michel GACOIN and Michel BILIOT.
No. 439 On April 10, 1827 Joseph GABON, of Natchitoches Parish, sold land to Stephen BOWIE, of Avoyelles Parish, for $2000.00 to wit: a certain tract of land situated, lying and being in the parish of Terrebonne, in county of Lafourche Interior, containing 80 arpens front, on each side of Bayou Boeuf. Same acquired by a petition and order of survey, made to him, by Baron de CARONDELET, then Governor of the province of Louisiana and dated November 5, 1794, confirmed by act of Congress of the Untied States, in the year 1820. Witnessed by H. SLAUGHTER and David DAVOON.
No. 440 On April 10, 1827 Joseph FELICE, of Concord Parish, sold land to Stephen BOWIE, of Avoyelles Parish, for $2000.00 to wit: a certain tract or parcel of land situated, lying and being in the Parish of Terrebonne, in the county of Lafourche Interior, containing one league, on each side of Bayou Boeuf, by ordinary depth of 40 arpens. The same seller acquired by a petition and order of survey made to him by Baron de CARONDELET, then Governor of the Province of Louisiana, dated December 29, 1794, and confirmed by act of Congress of the United States in 1820. Witnessed by H. SLAUGHTER and David DAVOON.
No. 441 On April 10, 1827 Joseph TALBO, of Ouachetta Parish, sold land to Stephen BOWIE, of Avoyelles Parish, for $2,5000.00 to wit: a certain tract or parcel of land situated, lying and being in the Parish of Terrebonne, in the county of Lafourche Interior, containing one league in front, on each side of Bayou Grand Caillou, by ordinary depth of 40 arpens, being same seller acquired by a petition and order of survey made to him by Baron de CARONDELET, then Governor of the Province of Louisiana and dated December 21, 1794. Witnessed by H. SLAUGHTER and David DAVOON.
No. 442 On April 12, 1827 Stephen BOWIE sold land to William HARGROVE for $1,000 to wit, a certain tract of land situated on the Bayou Boeuf on the right bank, in descending, in the Parish of Terrebonne and county of Lafourche, to be taken from the lower side of the tract of land purchased by BOWIE on the 10th day of April 1827, from Joseph BABON, to equal 1,000 acres by running 40 arpens back. Witnessed by R. G. BOWIE and Jesse CLIFFT.
No. 443 M. 1/75 Receipt for $100, which is part of the consideration of deed of sale passed in this office March 22, 1827, for 1 tract of land, there in described, said deed under No. 435. Test: I. J. DOZER.
No. 444 M. 1/53 On April 20, 1827 Henry S. THIBODAUX acknowledged receipt from Jean Baptiste RICHARD of $500, for consideration of a sale of a piece of land executed October 24 1825. Witnessed by Lemuel TANNER and E. PORCHE.
No. 445 On April 23, 1827 Will of William HAMOND. Before me Leufroy BARRAS, Parish Judge at residence of William HAMOND, where I went at his request, in the presence of Henry S. THIBODAUX, Joseph MALBROUGH, Francis BOUDELOCHE and Francis MARONGE, required witnesses, appeared William HAMOND, who named H. S. THIBODAUX as his executor, with his wife Marguerite SONGE to receive everything until her death, and then the estate to be divided among his children equally. (Children not named) He stated that he was born in Situate, Massachusetts son of Joseph HAMOND and Thankful HAMOND. Witnessed by the above named men.
No. 448 On April 21, 1827 Celeste ROGER wife of Andre ADAM sold land to Lemuel TANNER to wit, all claims which I have or may have on lands conceded to the heirs of the deceased Jean ROGER on Bayou Black, for $50. Witnessed by H. M. THIBODAUX and Mathurin BOURG.
No. 449 On April 21, 1827 Clemence ROGER wife of Francois BERNARD sold land to Lemuel TANNER to wit, all claims which I have or may have on lands conceded to the heirs of the deceased Jean ROGER on Bayou Black for $50. Witnessed by H. M. THIBODAUX, Mathurin BOURG and Joseph BOURG.
No. 450 On April 25, 1827 Victoire PREGEANT ROGER, widow of the deceased Jean ROGER, sold land to Lemuel TANNER to wit, all claims which I have or may have on lands conceded to the heirs of the deceased Jean ROGER on Bayou Black for $50. Witnessed by H. M. THIBODAUX and Edouard GROS.
No. 451 On April 21, 1827 Rosalie ROGER wife of Ive BOUDREAUX sold land to Lemuel TANNER to wit, all claims to land that I have or may have on lands conceded to the heirs of the deceased Jean ROGER on Bayou Black for $50. Witnessed by William HOOD and Mathurin BOURG. Signed by Rosalie ROGER, Ive BOUDREAUX, Lemuel TANNER and Judge Leufroy BARRAS.
No. 452 On April 10, 1827 Pedro GONZALES sold land to Stephen BOWIE of Ouachitta Parish, to wit, a certain tract of land situate, lying and being in Terrebonne Parish containing 640 acres on the Bayou Grand Caillou, lands acquired by a settlement being made previous to the year 1803, bounded above by land of Mathurin LEBLANC for $1000.00.
No. 453 2/318 On April 25, 1827 Henry S. THIBODAUX sold land to Francois THIBODAUX to wit, a piece of land situated on each bank of Bayou L’eau Bleue containing one and one half arpents front, by depth of survey, bounded above by lands of Marcelin THIBODAUX and below by lands of the vendor, for $200. Witnessed by Lemuel TANNER and E. PORCHE.
No. 454.2/319 On April 30, 1827 James BOWIE sold land to Beloni BLANCHARD for $450 to wit, a certain piece of land situated in this Parish and on Bayou Black, which contains 150 Arpens, measured as follows, beginning from the upper boundary of Bernard HAINS and following the line drawn by the surveyors and beginning from the other upper boundary of the said Bernard HAINS on the other line, going back as far as necessary to make up 150 Arpens. Witnessed by Jacques VERRET and E. PORCHE.
No. 455 On November 1, 1825 Alexis ROGER sold land to Auguste ROGER for $50 to wit, all lands in Spanish grant, situated on Little Bayou Terrebonne or Bayou Black. Witnessed by Wm. JENKINS and Wm. TABOR.
No. 457 2/323 On May 22, 1827 Henry S. THIBODAUX annulled a deed of sale dated April 2, 1827 Book “D”, page 58, No. 436, by mutual consent. Witnessed by Jh. DELAPORTE and E. PORCHE.
No. 458 On May 22, 1827 Henry S. THIBODAUX gave Power of Attorney to his son Henry Michel THIBODAUX. Witnessed by I. J. DOZER and Jh. DELAPORTE.
No. 459 2/324 On May 23, 1827 Henry S. THIBODAUX sold land to Joseph DELAPORT for $100 to wit, a certain piece of land situated in this Parish on each side of Bayou Black or Little Terrebonne, containing 1 Arpent front by whole depth according to the survey made by Mr. CAROTHER, bounded above by land of Henry S. THIBODAUX and below by vacant or persons unknown. Witnessed by E. PORCHE and Elenore CROCHET.
No. 460 2/327 On May 29, 1827 Henry S. THIBODAUX sold land to J. C. TURNER for $800 to wit, 600 superficial acres confirmed in the name of Jacques VERRET, lying and being on both sides of Bayou Little Terrebonne, under the No. 238, in the Lands Register Office in New Orleans. Another tract of 600 acres lying on the same Bayou Little Terrebonne, confirmed in the name of Francois VERRET under No. 241 and all the rights, titles and interests, that said H. S. THIBODAUX had on lands situated on Bayou Grand Caillou containing 30 Arpens front with 20 Arpens depth, confirmed in the name of widow and heirs of Albert BEAUSERGENT, with $100 going to the widow. Witnessed by Lemuel TANNER and Jh. DELAPORTE.
No.461 2/325 On May 9, 1827 John C. TURNER sold land to James L. CAROTHERS for $1000 to wit, 20 Arpens in front with 10 Arpens in depth on each side of Bayou Terrebonne, bounded above by lands of Joseph GUENO and below by lands of Pierre BILLIOT. Witnessed by Lemuel TANNER and E. PORCHE.
No. 462 On June 9, 1827 an inventory and appraisement succession of Pierre SILVIE, at the request of Cecile BOUDROT, widow Pierre SILVIE and heirs. Valued at $348.37. Signed Pierre DESROCHES, A. GROSS, Jean BOUDELOCHE, Joseph THIBODAUX, Cecile BOUDROT, Adelaide SILVIE, Victor S. SILVIE, and Rosemond BERGERON.
No. 463 2/328 On June 13, 1827 Auguste ROGER sold land to Lemuel TANNER for $50 to wit; the land conceded to the heirs of the late Jean ROGER on Bayou Black in this Parish, which rights were bought by Auguste ROGER by an act under private signature, dated November 1, 1925 and recorded in this office on May 1, 1827 No. 455. Witnessed by Jh. DELAPORTE and E. PORCHE.
No. 464 On June 13, 1827 an inventory and appraisement of the Succession of Louis DANTIN to wit. a tract of land situate on Bayou L’Bleue, 6 arpens front on each side, with depth as certificate of confirmation calls for, appraised for $600. Witnessed by L. B. THIBODAUX and Jh. DELAPORTE.
No. 465 On July 7, 1827 The will of Widow Charles GAUDIN, a meeting was called at the residence of Mrs. Marie BABIN, widow Charles GAUDIN, who named Henry S. THIBODAUX executor of her estate, also freed slave Charlotte, the rest of her estate to be devided among her heirs. Witnessed by Ase. DUGAS, Joseph J. DARCEY and Alexander DUPRE.
No. 466 2/329 On July 18, 1827 Stephen BOWIE sold land to Lemuel TANNER to wit, a tract located on Bayou Grand Caillou, 640 American acres, being same acquired by a deed of sale passed by Pedro GONZALES April 10, 1827, for $1500. Witnessed by Wm. HARGROVE and E. PORCHE.
No. 467 On July 23, 1827 a sale at auction was held for the estate of Pierre SILVIE and Cecile BOUDROT that was inventoried June 9, 1927 No. 462, for $386.44. Witnessed by Ase. DUGAS, H. M. THIBODAUX and Joseph THIBODAUX. Signed Cecile BOUDROT, Victor SILVIE, Adelaide SILVE and Rosemont BERGERON.
No. 468 1/76 On August 27, 1827 at a family meeting, appeared Joseph BILLIOT, Jacques BILLIOT, Jean BILLIOT, Cles. BILLIOT, Pierre BILLIOT and Etienne BILLIOT, free men of color, renounce the succession of the late Michel BILLIOT, their brother, in favor of the children of said Michel with Nanette RENAUD to wit. Marie Domicile age 6, Joseph Michel age 4 and Faron BILLIOT age 2. Witnessed by Joseph MILONE and Henry S. THIBODAUX.
No. 469 On August 27, 1827 an inventory of the estate of Michel BILLIOT at the request of heirs. Estate totaled $606.25. Witnessed by Joseph MILONE and Henry C. THIBODAUX. Signed by Jean Charles TERIO, Louis SYNG, Manette RENAUD, Pierre BILLIOT, Charles BILLIOT, Jean BILLIOT, Etienne BILLIOT, Joseph BILLIOT and Jacques BILLIOT.
No. 470 2/330 On September 4, 1827 Henry S. THIBODAUX mortgage to L. LAMOUREUX and L. LABADIE for $400.00 by an act executed December 29, 1823 between H. S. THIBODAUX and Pierre GAUTIER. Witnessed by Pr. GAUTIER and Lemuel TANNER.
No. 471 2/331 On September 4, 1827 Pierre GAUTIER sold land to Louis LAMOREU and Louis LABADIE to wit; 5 arpens front, more or less, on each side of Bayou Terrebonne by depth Certificate of confirmation calls for, bounded above by land of Etienne BILLIOT and below by land of Pre. Bin. ROUSSEL. Witnessed by H. M. THIBODAUX and Lemuel TANNER.
No. 472 1/77 On September 6, 1827 Henry M. THIBODAUX acknowledges receipt of $600.00 from Hypolite H. SIMONAUX for sale of slave. Executed December 23, 1822. Witnessed by E. PORCHE. Signed by H. M. THIBODAUX attorney for H. S. THIBODAUX.
No. 473 On September 20, 1827 Lemuel TANNER mortgage to James PORTER of Donaldsonville, for $1,220.50, payable March next, 1828 mortgaged land of 640 acres on both sides of Bayou Grand Caillou, in this Parish, bounded above by Bayou LaCire and below by Bayou DuLac. Witnessed by E. PORCHE and Jh. DELAPORTE.
No. 474 2/333 On September, 21, 1827 Asahel GROSS sold to Ingoe James DOZER, 6 slaves recorded under No. 429 to wit, Cyrus age 25, wife Silvia age 23, 4 children Teny age 7, Juda age 5, Phillis age 3 and Harry age 18 months. Witnessed by Jh. DELAPORTE and A. H. VERRET.
No. 475 2/334 On October 16, 1827 Joseph AUTHEMENT sold land to William C. WATKINS to wit, 1 arpent front on left bank of Bayou Terrebonne, by depth Certificate of confirmation calls for, bounded above by land of Jacques LABI, Jr. and below by land of Francois ROGER. Witnessed by L. B. THIBODAUX and E. PORCHE.
No. 476 On October 19, 1827 an inventory and apprasement of the succession of John FOLEY, 1 tract of land of 640 superficial acres on each side of Bayou Grand Caillou bounded above by lands of Jumonville DUVILLIER and below by lands of James BOWIE. Front measures 52.56 chains, each side depth of 61 chains each side for $320.00 Witnessed by Jh. DELAPORTE and E. PORCHE.
No. 477 2/335 On November 5, 1827 annulment of sale No. 384 Joseph Paul BOURGEOIS to Dominique BOURGEOIS on July 21, 1826. Witnessed by Philippe M. SARGENT and Auguste VERRET.
No. 478 2/336 On November 5, 1827 Joseph P. BOURGEOIS and wife Eugenie THIBODAUX sold land to Phillippe M. SARGENT to wit, 5 arpens front and depth as certificate of confirmation calls for bounded above by lands of Auguste BABIN on the left bank and land owned by estate of the late Henry S. THIBODAUX on the right bank and below by lands of Jn, Charles BERGERON on the right bank and Aaron HAINS on the Left bank for $2,500 Witnessed by Ase. DUGAS and A. H. VERRET.
No. 479 2/337 On November 5, 1827 R. P. BOWIE sold land to L. TANNER for $7,000 to wit, a tract of land on both sides of Bayou Grand Caillou containing 1 league front, by depth of 40 arpens, being same that BOWIE acquired by a deed of sale from John TALREDO on December 28, 1826. Witnessed by J. H. DELAPORTE and H. M. THIBODAUX.
No. 480 2/338 On November 6, 1827 Joseph Paul BOURGEOIS and wife Eugenie THIBODAUX exchanged a Negress named Dianna or Sayana about 23 years and her two children, Julienne age about 2 years and Julien age about 2 months, with I. J. DOZIER for Negress Helene age 19 years. Witnessed by J. H. DELAPORTE and Henry C. THIBODAUX.
No. 481 1/10 On March 24, 1823 a receipt to Joseph BOUDREAUX for $101 for settlement of all accounts. Witnessed by Isidore BOUDREAUX. Signed by Marguerite Ludivine widow BOUDROT and Judge Leufroy BARRAS.
No. 483 M. 1/78 On November 28, 1827 widow Pierre MENOU released Jean Marie PITRE for sale dated October 11, 1823 No. 152. Witnessed by L. B. THIBODAUX and Jh. DELAPORTE. Signed by Marie Rose LEJEUNE, widow Pierre MENOU and Judge Leufroy BARRAS.
No. 484 On November 24 1827 an inventory of estate of Henry S. THIBODAUX. According to his Oleographic Testament dated July 28, 1817 names widow Brigite BELANGER and Leander B. THIBODAUX executors. There was 293 items listed (property, notes, etc.) for a total of $105,751.06. Signed by Brigite BELANGER, Joseph DELAPORTE, Eugenie BOURGEOIS, Joseph Paul BOURGEOIS, E. PORCHE, Lemuel TANNER and Jm. PORCHE.
No. 485 M. 1/79 On December 11, 1827 Nathaniel D. FUQUA and brother John FUQUA concerning agreement passed Feb. 22, 1827 with Asahel GROSS and Philippe M. SARGEANT selling slaves for $1,200. A. GROSS received $1,200 and discharged said FUQUA. Witnessed by H. M. THIBODAUX and Charles PERKINS.
No. 486 2/340 On December 11, 1827 Madam Brigite BELLANGER widow Henry S. THIBODAUX where Nathaniel D. FUQUA and John FUQUA bought land No. 330, Book C, Pg. 109 and is unable to pay. Sale declared null and void. Witnessed A. GROSS and P. M. SARGENT.
No. 487 2/341 On December 11, 1827 the FUQUA brothers sell Negroes to Noah HAMPTON of Warren County Kentucky to wit. Cyrus age 25, his wife Silvia age 23, their four children, Tena age 7, Juda age 5, Sarah age 17 and Tyler age 15, Andrew age 50 and his wife Geny age 45 for $2364. Witnessed by A. GROSS and P. M. SARGENT. Signed J. FUQUA ane N. D. FUQUA.
No. 488 2/342 On December 12, 1827 Brigitte BELLANGER widow Henry S. THIBODAUX sold land to Noah HAMPTON to wit. a tract of land 9 arpens front on left bank of Bayou Terrebonne, with depth certificate of confirmation calls for, and 6 arpens, more or less, on the right bank, bounded above by Bayou Canne and below by land of vendor, to depth certificate of confirmation calls for, for $3,000. Witnessed by Jh. DELAPORTE and A. H. VERRET.
No. 489 2/343 On December 18, 1827 widow H. S. THIBODAUX sold land to Mrs. Joseph P. BOURGEOIS to wit, a piece of land situate in this parish, 4 arpens front, more or less, on each side of Bayou Terrebonne, by depth of survey, bounded above by lands of Mrs. LAMBERT and below by lands of Joachim PORCHE, as paraphernalia or extra-dotal property for $1,200 from succession. Witnessed by Jh. DELAPORTE and Augustin MONGEONT.
No. 490 2/344 On December 19, 1827 James BOWIE sold land to Richard KING of Cattahoula Parish, to wit, land lying on both banks of Bayou Grand Caillou, containing 30 arpens front on each side, with 40 arpens depth on each side, forming 2,400 superficial acres for $12,000. This land was purchased by James BOWIE from Jacques LAMBEY, to whom the land was granted by Governor MIRO in 1789 and confirmed by an act of Congress dated February 28, 1823, bounded above by lands of Lemuel TANNER and below by lands Lemuel TANNER. Witnessed by Lemuel TANNER and Jh. DELAPORTE.
No. 491 2/345 On December 19, 1827 James BOWIE sold land to A. & H. C. McNEILL of the city of Natchez for $10,669 to wit, a certain tract of land lying and being on the Bayou Grand Caillou, containing 26 2/3 arpens front on right or west bank, with depth of 80 arpens, which makes 2,133 superficial arpens, bounded above by lands of James BOWIE and below by lands of Lemuel TANNER. Witnessed by Lemuel TANNER and Jh. DELAPORTE.
No. 492 1/80 On December 19, 1827 Lemuel TANNER sold land to A. & H. C. McNEILL from Natchez for $1,920 to wit, a tract being and lying on the right bank of Bayou Grand Caillou containing 19 arpens front, more or less, with the depth necessary to complete 320 superficial acres, bounded above by land sold this day by James BOWIE and below by lands of James BOWIE. Witnessed by Jph. DELAPORTE and James BOWIE.
No. 493 1/81 On December 19, 1827 Lemuel TANNER sold land to James BOWIE of Rapides and Richard KING of Cattahoula for $3,200.00 to wit, a certain tract of land situate in this parish, on both sides of Bayou Grand Caillou, containing 37 arpens front, more or less, with sufficient depth on each side to complete 640 superficial acres bounded above on left bank by Bayou L’Oursea and below by Bayou Du Lac and right bank by lands of James BOWIE above and below. Witnessed by A. McNEILL, Jh. DELAPORTE.
No. 494 2/346 On December 19, 1827 James BOWIE sold land to Lemuel TANNER for $500.00 to wit 26 2/3 arpens front on left bank of Bayou Grand Caillou with 80 arpens deep bounded above by lands of James BOWIE and below by lands of Lemuel TANNER, land was purchased at Sheriff sale on March 17, 1827. Witnessed by Jh. DELAPORTE and Richard KING.
No. 495 1/82 On December 20, 1827 Louis Andre DUBOIS sold land to Mrs. Henry S. THIBODAUX for consideration of two obligations of $250 each, for land purchased December 28, 1825, that he is unable to pay. Witnessed by Lemuel TANNER and L. EXNICIOS.
No. 496 On Eliza CLARK sold a Negress by the name of Nancy for $150.00 on May 18, 1825. Recorded January 26, 1828. Witnessed by F. LAIZER, Temoin.
No. 497 2/349 On December 31, 1827 Widow Henry S. THIBODAUX sells land to Henry M. THIBODAUX to wit, a piece of land situated in this parish containing 35 1/2 arpens front on each side of Bayou Little Terrebonne, with depth to make up 809 superficial acres. 640 acres were confirmed in the name of Auguste ROGER and 169 acres in the name of Jean Bte. ROGER, inconformity with a survey made by James L. CAROTHERS, bounded above by lands of Lemuel TANNER and below by lands of vendress, for $900, as a portion of which is to come to him in the inheritance of his deceased father, Henry S. THIBODAUX. Witnessed by Lemuel TANNER and Jh. DELAPORTE.
No. 498 2/348 On December 29, 1827 Lemuel TANNER sold land to heirs of Henry S. THIBODAUX (see land above) because he was in partnership with Henry S. THIBODAUX, he needed to clear the property. Witnessed by Jh. DELAPORTE and J. C. TURNER.
No. 499 2/347 On December 29, 1827 widow Henry S. THIBODAUX sold land to Henry C. THIBODAUX for $700 to wit, a piece of land situated in this parish containing 10 arpens front on each side of Bayou Little Terrebonne, by depth of survey made by James L. CAROTHERS bounded above by lands of Henry M. THIBODAUX and below by lands of Allenis LEJEUNE, as a portion , which is to come to him in the inheritance of his deceased father Henry S. THIBODAUX. Witnessed by Jh. DELAPORTE and J. C. TURNER.
No. 500 1/22 On March 14, 1821 an agreement between the heirs of Charles BERGERON and Henry S. THIBODAUX to wit, the undersigned heirs of the late Charles BERGERON declare by these presents, that we received from Henry S. THIBODAUX, for all our claims, on the titles standing in name of Jean Bte. BERGERON, Charles BERGERON and Pierre BERGERON, in consideration that 6 arpens for Pierre BERGERON, 6 arpens for deceased widow of Charles BERGERON, three of which remain to the minors Arsene & Pierre LAMBERT, 6 arpens for Jean Baptiste BERGERON, 6 arpens for Ann Marie BERGERON wife of Auguste BABIN, 6 arpens for Marguerite BERGERON widow Pierre GUIDRY, 6 arpens for Alexandre BERGERON, 5 1/2 arpens for Guillaume BERGERON, 5 1/2 arpens for Mrs. RHODES, 5 1/2 arpens for Jean Charles BERGERON, 5 1/2 arpens for Celestin BERGERON, 5 1/2 arpens for Magdelaine BERGERON, 5 1/2 arpens for Rosemond BERGERON, 5 1/2 arpens for Adelaide BERGERON, wife of Leandre THIBODAUX, do abandon all lands above which may be found over and above the 80 arpens mentioned. Witnessed by L. B. THIBODAUX, F. BOZE Jr. and Hubert BELLENGER.
No. 501 1/21 On March 17, 1821 Fabien DANTIN sold land to Aubin THIBODAUX to wit, 6 arpens front on Bayou L’eau Bleue, running to Grand Bruley, these 6 arpens are part of 12 arpens, which are entered in my name. Witnessed by J. B. LIENAU and H. S. THIBODAUX. Filed January 26, 1828.
No. 502 2/350 On January 7, 1828 Augustus ROGER sold land to Maturin BOURG to wit. 2 acres front, 18 acres back on the right bank of Bayou Terrebonne, for No. 200. Witnessed by T. HALL and Jh. Cn. DULLIE.
No. 503 14/2505 On October 22, 1827 Antoine MALBROUGH exchanged land with Pierre Amand LEJEUNE to wit. 3 1/2 arpens front by 20 arpens depth (6 arpens in Parish of Terrebonne) on the right bank of Bayou Terrebonne at about 2 miles below Thibodauxville, bounded above by lands of Pierre BERGERON and below by lands of Jean ROBICHAUX, same land acquired from Joseph MALBROUGH, his father, by act of the Parish of Terrebonne. In counter exchange, Mr. LEJEUNE has ceded a piece of land in timber, having 5 arpens front, more or less, by 40 arpens in depth, situated in the Parish of Lafourche Interior, on the left bank of Bayou Lafourche at about 24 leagues below Donaldsonville, bounded above by lands of Jean Baptiste DAIGLE and below by lands of Eloi MELANCON. Land was adjudicated at a public auction sale of property formerly in the community, between the late Michel MORVAN and Mrs. Catherine KOME, his surviving wife. Signed by Hubert TRAHAN, Henri KNOBLOCK and Judge P. DASPIT.
No. 504 2/353 On January 14, 1828 Madam Marie Joseph MALBROUGH, widow of Nicolas LIRETTE with Guillaume MALBROUGH, on the other, annul and abrogate the act of exchange passed September 19, 1825 recorded at No. 304 of the Notarial Acts, Book “C”, pages 68 and 69. Witnessed by A. H. VERRET and William ASHLEY.
No. 505 On February 5, 1828 Michel DUVAL sold land to James L. CAROTHERS for $800 to wit, land containing 608 77/100 superficial acres, being a tract confirmed to me by the United States and numbered 595 in the report of the commissioners. Witnessed by William Washington WAFFORD, Celina P. WAFFORD and Etienne PENISON, temoin.
No. 506 2/354 On January 14, 1828 widow Henry S. THIBODAUX sold land to John McHENRY to wit. a certain piece of land on right bank of Bayou Terrebonne, containing 3 arpens front, more or less, by depth of survey, bounded above by lands of Mrs. Gabriel ARCENEAUX and below by lands of Louis DARBOIS for $450. Witnessed by Jh. DELAPORTE and Hubert BELLENGER.
No. 507 1/8 On January 28, 1828 Jean GRAVIER exchanged land with Ferdinand Victor POTIER to wit. all lands coming to him and belongs in the succession of the late Jean Louis DEVALILBOEUVRE and Mrs. Marie Celeste DEVALBOEUVRE, his sister, wife of Edmond FORESTAL, only heirs of their father and aunt, by act 1811 (7-5). Ferdinand Victor POTIER exchanges No. 1. Jean GRAVIER accepts a piece of land situated on Bayou Grand Caillou, between the Atchafalaya and Fork of the Chitcumchas, 38 arpens front, 80 arpens on each side, acquired from Jumonville DEVILLIERS by act September 13, 1817. No. 2. a second piece of land 5 arpens front by 40 arpens of depth, situated on Lake Dutasse, bounded above by lands of Francois DECUIR and below by land DUBUCLETacquired from Jacques FONTENELLE by act dated September 5, 1912. No. 3. An obligation signed Urb. GAIENNE of New Orleans dated March 29, 1817 for $13,057.37 in value. Witnessed by J. Louis Francois CHATRY and Jacques JOLY. Signed by McLAFITTE (Not. Pub.) and J. N. DUNCAN (Not. Pub.).
No. 508 On May 21, 1827 William C. C. C. MARTIN, of the Parish of Rapides, sold land to James BOWIE, to wit: a certain tract of land situated, lying and being on Bayou Black, with 50 arpens front and 40 arpens depth on both sides. Same land granted by Governor GAYOSO to Miguel SATURNENO at New Orleans November 2, 1798 and another tract of land on Bayou Caillou, having a front of 50 arpens on each side by a depth of 40 arpens, being the same granted by Governor GAYOSO to Louis DUMA at New Orleans, on the 7 Th. day of March 1798 No. 66, for $4,000.00. Witnessed by Wm. H. HITEKEA and L. H. ROFFE. Signed by J. B. SCOTE, Notary Public Rapides Parish.
No. 509 Robert MARTIN sold land to William C. C. C. MARTIN to wit; one tract in the county of Lafourche, having 40 arpens front on each side of Bayou Boeuf, with a depth of 40 arpens. Same purchased from Francois FLORES, by an order of survey made by Governor GALVEZ on August 7, 1777 and 1 other tract of land on Bayou Black, with a front of 30 arpens on both sides, with a depth of 40 arpens on both sides, bounded above and below by vacant lands, purchased by Robert MARTIN from Jacques MONTURUN, order of survey made by Governor GALVEZ May 5, 1775, and several other tracts, for $15,000.00. Witnessed by Jos. CHAMBERS and Leroy STAFFORD. Signed by S. TALBERT Notary Public Rapides Parish.
No. 510 112A/10863 At Alexandria on May 21, 1827, personally appeared James BOWIE, who gave power of attorney to John B. SCOTE, notary public in and for the Parish of Rapides, and appoint his brother Stephen BOWIE his true and lawful attorney. Witnessed by F. T. COYS and H. C. SCOTE.
No. 511 2/356 On January 28, 1828 James BOWIE, of the Parish of Rapides, and his attorney Stephen BOWIE sold land to Isaac THOMAS to wit; 1,000 arpens situate in this parish on the Bayou Black, to be taken from the upper end of tract, conceded by the Spanish Government to Miguel SATURNENO and confirmed by the United States, in the name of Robert MARTIN, who sold to William C. C. C. MARTIN and by the latter to James BOWIE to wit; 50 arpens front on each side of Bayou Black, by the ordinary depth of 40 arpens. Witnessed by Jh. DELAPORTE and A. H. VERRET.
No. 512 2/357 On January 28, 1828 Stephen BOWIE sold land to Isaac THOMAS to wit; 1,600 arpens, situated on Bayou Grand Caillou, to be taken from the upper part of tract, having 1 league front on each side of bayou, land was conceded by the Spanish government to Joseph TALBOT and confirmed to him by the United States government, which he sold to Jim BOWIE. The 1600 arpens to lye and have a front on the East side of Bayou Black, 40 arpens, with a depth of 40 arpens, for a certain quanity of land due THOMAS by James BOWIE and Robert MARTIN. Witnessed by Jh. DELAPORTE and A. H. VERRET.
No. 513 On January 29, 1828 Hanna CRAWFORD wife of Edmond HOGAN does nominate, appoint and constitute Robert CRAWFORD of Ira county, State of Pennsylvania, as lawful agent and attorney, to receive all money due or coming to her from estates of Michael CRAWFORD, late of Westchester county, New York township, state of New York and William CRAWFORD late of Weschester county, New York township, state of New York. Witnessed by Stephen BOWIE and Jh. DELAPORTE.
No. 514 1/9 On August 15, 1818 Jn. Baptiste BERGERON, resident of Bayou Terrebonne, sold land to H. S. THIBODAUX for $400.00 to wit; a piece of land 2 arpens front and ordinary depth on right bank of Bayou Terrebonne, bounded on one side by land of Mr. THIBODAUX and the other by land of L. TANNER. Witnessed by Mordical McCLOUD and KRICK. Recorded January 30, 1828.
No. 515 1/4 On September 27, 1809 Judge William GOFORTH, Judge of the parish of Lafourche and Judge of probates, caused to be sold at public auction, the property of Jean BILLOU, deceased, whereas Henry S. THIBODAUX was the highest bidder, became the purchaser of an Island known by the name of Tien-Balie for $101.00. Witnessed by Solomon LAMB, Frork LINDON. Signed by judge William GOFORTH. A true copy of original, now on record in my office in Thibodaux.
No. 516 1/3 On September 29, 1809 at a public sale of the estate of Jean BILLOU, Henry Schuler THIBODAUX was the highest bidder of $51.00 for a tract of land being an island named Calume. Witnessed by Solomon LAMB and Frork LINDON. Signed by Judge William GOFORTH as being a true copy of original deed on record in my office, Book of Deeds, page 160. Recorded January 30, 1828.
No. 517 2/358 On February 1, 1828 Lemuel TANNER and Celeste BELLANGER, his wife, sold to R. G. ELLIS of Adams county Mississippi, land to wit; 1 tract containing 10 arpens on each side of Bayou Terrebonne, more or less, with such depth as the certificate of confirmation calls for, bounded above by land of Evariste PORCHE and below by land of Widow Henry S. THIBODAUX, with all buildings and improvements there on, the corn in store, except 100 Barrels reserved for the use of L. TANNER, gin and slaves to wit; a Negro man named Moses aged about 25 years, his wife Rachel, about 28 years, his children Savan, age 12 years, Louisa age 8 years and Jinsey, age 3 years, Buck, a Negro aged about 22 years, Judith aged 20 years, her 2 children Susan aged 3 and Lucy, A Negro named Louis age 20 years, Lancaster aged 18 years, Harry aged 18 years, 4 horses, 3 yoke oxen, 30 heads of cattle, etc. and another tract of land situate on both sides of Bayou Little Terrebonne, or Bayou Black, containing 35 arpens, more or less, front, with such depth as certificate of confirmation calls for, bounded below by land of Henry Michel THIBODAUX, 1900 superficial acres in two tracts, for $22,400.00. Witnessed by H. M. THIBODAUX and Jh. DELAPORTE.
No. 518 2/321-320 On May 19, 1827 Reason P. BOWIE of Avoyelles Parish, sold land to Henry BOYCE to wit; a tract of land situate on Bayou CAILLOU, 1,000 acres superficial, with such front on said Bayou, as with a depth of 40 arpens, to make up 1,000 acres. This land was purchased by R. P. BOWIE from John TALREDO, by act dated December 28, 1826, now in the Record in the office of G. R. STRINGER in New Orleans, for $1,000.00. Witnessed by John M. BACH and D. M. CALAHAN. Recorded February 2, 1828.
No. 519 3/352 On January 12, 1828 at New Orleans, Lemuel TANNER sold land to H. BOYCE to wit; 1,000 acres situate on the Bayou Caillou, part of a larger tract purchased by the said BOWIE from John TALREDO, by deed passed in G. R. STRINGER’s office in New Orleans. Quit claim for the above land. Witnessed by J. H. CHAMBERS and I. J. DOZIER. Signed by Lemuel TANNER and Henry BOYCE. Joseph CHAMBERS made the oath that he was present when Lemuel TANNER and H. BOYCE signed the above document on January 21, 1828. Signed by T. BERMUDEZ, Associate judge City of New Orleans. Recorded February 15, 1828.
No. 520 On February 6, 1825 Widow Henry S. THIBODAUX (Brigite BELLANGER) named and constituted Henry M. THIBODAUX her special attorney for and in the name of the succession aforesaid, to enter into an agreement with heirs of Hypolite HEBERT on Bayou Terrebonne, containing 625 superficial acres, more or less. Witnessed by Joseph DELAPORTE and August VERRET. Recorded February 15, 1828.
No. 521 2/332 On September 18, 1827 Edmond FANGUY sold land to Stephen BOWIE for $600.00 to wit; 10 arpens front on both sides of Bayou Grand Caillou, above the mouth of Bayou Lacarpe, with depth of 20 arpens. Witnessed by Lemuel TANNER and T. STAFFORD. Recorded February 15, 1828.
No. 522 2/360 On February 14, 1828 Stephen BOWIE sold land to Greenberg THOMAS to wit; a certain tract of land lying on both sides of Bayou Grand Caillou, containing 10 arpens front on each side, by 20 arpens in depth on each side, from mouth of Bayou Lacarpe going up. It being same land that BOWIE acquired from Edwin FANGUY. Sold land for $1,000.00 cash. Witnessed by Lemuel TANNER and Jh. DELAPORTE.
No. 523 2/359 On February 14, 1828 Greenberg THOMAS sold slave Peter aged of about 33 years to Stephen BOWIE for $1,000.00. Witnessed by Lemuel TANNER and Joseph DELAPORTE.
No. 524 2/361 On February 14, 1828 Seth SINGLETON sold slave Lancaster aged about 24 years, for $550.00 to Lemuel TANNER. Witnessed by Jh. DELAPORTE and Stephen BOWIE.
No. 525 On December 12, 1794 Juan FALZEDE (TALREDO) Petitioned Land Office for vacant land, because he lost all his property, except his slaves, in the burning of the city of New Orleans, to wit; a piece of land containing 1 league front on Bayou CAILLOU, in the district of Catafayala by 40 arpens depth on each side. Signed Juan FALZEDE, Baron de CARONDELET, Sam. H. HARPER and Judge Leufroy BARRAS. Recorded February 18, 1828.
No. 526 Dated December 11, 1794 repeated the above information.
No. 527 On March 18, 1920 Joseph TALBO sold land to Jean THOMPSON to wit; 1 league front by depth of 40 arpens on each side of Bayou Caillou, in said Lafourche County. Land was given to him by Baron de CARONDELET, then Governor of Louisiana on December 21, 1794, for $2,000.00. Signed by Joseph TALBO, John THOMPSON, CHATRY, L. M. TANEY and McLAFITTE Notary Public. Recorded February 19, 1828 by Judge Leufroy BARRAS.
No. 528 On March 14, 1820 John FALCEDO sold land to John THOMPSON for $2,000.00 to wit; land lying and being on Bayou Caillou in county of Lafourche, 1 league front on each side of bayou, with usual depth, same land conceded to him by Baron de CARONDELET in 1794. Done and passed at the City of New Orleans. Witnessed by George POLLOCK and Benoit PIGNON. Signed by Juan FALCEDO, John THOMPSON, Bt. PIGNON, George POLLOCK and Carlile POLLOCK, Notary Public. Recorded February 19, 1828 Judge Leufroy BARRAS.
No. 529 On October 27, 1820 John THOMPSON of the Parish of St. Landry, sold land to Gerard CHRETIEN and Hypolite CRETIEN to wit; a tract containing 1600 superficial acres on the Red River, about 6 miles below the town of Alexandria and a track 34o arpens in St. Landry Parish at Bellevue, being same purchased from Marie SIMON and a tract containing 6400 arpens in Avoyelles Parish and a tract containing 6720 arpens on Bayou Caillou, granted to Joseph TALBO and 6720 arpens on Bayou Boeuf granted to Joseph FABRIE and 6720 arpens on same Bayou granted to Joseph GABON by order of survey and a tract of 1573 acres in parish of Avoyelles, being part of tract of 1600 arpens, granted by order of survey to MENDOZO and slaves as follows: Flora, Sandy, Lelly, Eliza, Richmond, Reubin, Maria, Hannah and Fanny. All sold for $14,806.27. Sold to pay taxes in Parish of St. Landry at Opelousas. Witnessed by James RAY and W. MOORE. Signed by Hte. CHRETIEN and George KING parish Judge.
No. 530 On August 21, 1821 Hypolite CHRETIEN and Gerard CHRETIEN sold land to Francois NEDA as follows: tract granted Pedro LAMERO for $1,250.40, tract granted to Jean FALCIDO for $100.00, tract granted to Joseph FABRE $473.00, tract granted to Joseph GABON for $280.00, a tract granted to MENDOZA for $50.00, 1600 arpens on Red River for $100.00, tract of FALBE for $50.00 for a total of $2,438.40. Witnessed by James RAY and Vital ESTILITE. Signed by Hte. CHRETIEN fois and Geo. KING Parish Judge.
No. 531 Hypolite CHRETIEN and Gerard CHRETIEN of St. Martin Parish and John THOMPSON of St. Landry Parish, for ending the difficulties and the differences which have existed between them until this day, concerning the payment made to the United States by M. M. CHRETIEN, for a title owed by the said John THOMPSON, to the United States, on their quality, as heirs, of Louis CHRETIEN, their deceased brother, who was bondsman of John THOMPSON, toward the United States, all for the purpose of stopping and preventing all lawsuits. Witnessed by LESASSIER and Ben B. JEFFERSON. Signed by John THOMPSON, Hypolite CHRETIEN, Gerard CHRETIEN and James RAY Notary Public dated February 21, 1838.
No. 532 Dated July 14, 1825 Hypolite and Gerard CHRETIEN bought land above from Francisco NEDA, living in Opelousas, quit claim, ceded. abandon and convey all his lands by act dated August 21, 1821. Witnessed by Benjamin B. JEFFERSON and Henderson TAYLOR. Signed by Francisco NEDA, Hypolite CHRETIEN, Gerard CHRETIEN and James RAY Notary Public. Recorded February 21, 1828.
No. 533 On May 16, 1826 Differences above were settled. Witnessed by Benjamin B. JEFFERSON and John ROGERS. Signed by Gerard CHRETIEN, Hypolite CHRETIEN and James RAY Notary Public. Filed February 22, 1828.
No. 534 1/83 On February 16, 1828 Guillaume MALBROUGH received $250.00 from Benjamin MALBROUGH for sale in the registers office in New Orleans number 237, giving him full and entire receipt for the said sale. Witnessed by Joseph DELAPORTE and Henry C. THIBODAUX.
No. 535 2/362 On February 16, 1828 Mrs. Marie Magdelaine MALBROUGH widow Charles LEBLANC and Guillaume MALBROUGH exchanged land to wit; a piece of land 3 arpens front on left bank of Bayou Terrebonne, with depth of 20 arpens, bounded above by land of widow HAMMOND and below by her land, exchanged for 2 1/2 arpens front, by 20 arpens in depth, on left bank of Bayou Terrebonne, bounded above by land exchanged and below by land of Benjamin MALBROUGH.
No. 536 2/363 On February 16, 1828 Guillaume MALBROUGH cedes and abandons by title to Pelegrin BOUDROT, a piece of land 3 arpens front on left bank of Bayou Terrebonne, with a depth of 20 arpens, bounded above by Madam widow HAMMOND and below by Madam widow Charles LEBLANC, exchanged for a piece of land 5 arpens front on each side of Bayou Terrebonne, with a depth of 10 arpens on each side, bounded above by land of Gracien LEBLANC and below by land of Joseph BOUDREAUX. Witnessed by Joseph DELAPORTE and Henry C. THIBODAUX.
No. 537 2/364 On February 16, 1828 Benjamin MALBROUGH ceded, sold and abandoned to Guillaume MALBROUGH 1/2 arpent of land, by 20 arpens in depth on the Left bank of Bayou Terrebonne, bounded above by land of Guillaume MALBROUGH and below by land of the vendor, for $125.00. Witnessed by Joseph DELAPORTE and Henry C. THIBODAUX.
No. 538 2/365 Edmond FANGUY sold land to W. C. FUQUA to wit; in this parish, on both sides of Bayou Terrebonne, 10 arpens wide with a depth as the certificate of confirmation calls for, for $4,500.00. Edmond FANGUY will be allowed to take away the cotton gin and sugar kettle. Witnessed by C. W. WATKINS and E. G. COLLINSWORTH.
No. 539 2/367 (no date) August BABIN sold, delivered and abandoned from this time and for always to Mr. Henry THIBODAUX, in exchange of 5 arpens front on Bayou L’eau Bleue, behind land of August BABIN, situated on Bayou Terrebonne. Witnessed by A. CONDOLLE and John MENARD.
No. 540 1/2 On August 26, 1808 an agreement where August BABIN to sell land on Bayou Lafourche about 11 leagues from stream, on right descending bank with a depth of 40 arpens to Henry S. THIBODAUX, bounded above by land of Joseph LEBLANC and below by land of deceased Charles BERGERON, in consideration of a piece of land situated on Bayou Darbonne of 5 arpens front on each side, with depth the certificate of confirmation calls for, conforming to the survey. Besides the sum $300.00 payable in species January 1810. Witnessed by Jas. R. RAY and Joseph DELCAUSBASQS. Recorded February 25, 1828.
No. 541 1/18 On June 21, 1820 Jean Baptiste BERGERON ceded, sold and abandon to Henry S. THIBODAUX land acquired by me at a auction of the estate of the deceased H. G. JOHNSON, situated on Bayou Terrebonne beginning at the edge of the Church grounds until the edge of the land occupied by Pierre LAMBERT. Witnessed by J. B. LIMA and August BABIN. Signed by Jean Baptiste BERGERON. Recorded February 25, 1828 and witnessed by Bastien FREDERIC.
No. 542 1/13 On April 8, 1820 Marie Louise ST. LOUIS widow Albert BEAUSERGENT caused to be annulled the sale, act passed in registers office of 2 arpens of land situated on Bayou Terrebonne and covey it in favor of H. S. THIBODAUX. Witnessed by Lewis LYNG and Edmond FANGUY. Recorded February 25, 1828.
No. 543 1/14 On April 26, 1820 Anthoine CALVE sold land to Henry S. THIBODAUX to wit; apiece of land 3 arpens front on each side of Bayou Terrebonne, by ordinary depth, bounded above by land of H. S. THIBODAUX and below by land August BABIN sold to Francois BAUDOIN. Witnessed by Lemuel TANNER and John M. HENRY. Recorded February 25, 1828.
No. 544 1/19 On June 21, 1820 Rosemond BERGERON is to restore to H. S. THIBODAUX, a piece of land about 5 1/2 arpens situate on both sides of Bayou Terrebonne, which I acquired by concession, in exchange for 3 arpens of land situated on right bank of Bayou Terrebonne, descending. Witnessed by J. B. LINAN, Pierre CIVILLE, August BABIN and Jean Baptiste BERGERON. Recorded February 25, 1828.
No. 545 On June 21, 1820 Guillaume BERGERON obligate himself to restore a piece of land 5 1/2 arpens situate on both sides of Bayou Terrebonne, for 3 arpens of land situate on the left bank of Bayou Terrebonne, bounded above by Huren HENNEN. Witnessed by J. B. LINEN, August BABIN, Pierre CIVILLE and Rosemond BERGERON. Recorded February 15, 1828.
No. 546 2/366 On February 25, 1828 Mrs. Eugenie THIBODAUX wife of Joseph BOURGEOIS sold land to Mrs. Magdeleine ANDRE widow Urbain ARCENEAUX to wit; a piece of land about 2 1/2 leagues from Bayou Lafourche, 4 arpens front on each side of Bayou Terrebonne, with depth as the certificate of confirmation calls for, bounded above by land of Mrs. LAMBERT and below Joachim PORCHE. Land was purchased from widow H. S. THIBODAUX by act dated December 18, 1827 for $1,845.00. Witnessed by Ase. DUGAS and A. H. VERRET.
No. 547 On February 24, 1828 Nathan MERRIAM sold land to Lemuel TANNER to wit; a tract of land on both sides of Bayou Terrebonne and adjoining tract originally granted to Don Thomas VILLANUE, thence extending on Bayou Black, with 20 arpens depth on each side, 800 acres acquired at public sale made January 1, 1824, belonging to the succession of Joseph MOLERE, acquired by order of survey made by Carlos TRUDEAU, Royal surveyor of King of Spain dated October 18, 1802, for $7,250.00. Witnessed by N. HURLOT and Wm. HNON. Signed by John DUTTON, Judge Iberville Parish.
No. 548 On June 5, 1822 Joseph FELICIE sold grant made by Baron CARONDELET dated December 29, 1794 to John THOMPSON to wit; 1 league front on each side of Bayou Boeuf by 40 arpens depth on each side for $2,000.00 cash. Signed by Joseph FELICIE, John THOMPSON, Hu. H. GORDON, Rob. BELL, Savn. BLANC Notary public. A true copy filed in office of Savinier BLANC, late , now in my possession. Signed by G. R. STRINGER Notary public. Filed February 29, 1828.
No. 549 March 14, 1820 at New Orleans Joseph GABON sold land to John THOMPSON to wit; on Bayou Boeuf 80 arpens front on each side, with 40 arpens depth, granted to him by Baron de CARONDELET, Governor of the province of Louisiana on November 5, 1794, for $2,000.00. Witnessed by Michel FOURCISY and J. B. J. PEDESCLAUX. Signed by J. B. J. PEDESCLAUX, Notary public. Filed February 29, 1828.
No. 550 2/370 On February 27, 1828 Jacques BONVILLAIN sold land to widow H. S. THIBODAUX act passed December 23, 1823 and registered under No. 183 null and void. Witnessed by Jean Baptiste MONIER and Joseph AUTHEMENT.
No. 551 2/368 On February 27, 1828 R. P. BOWIE acting for James BOWIE and Reason Pleasant BOWIE, agent of James BOWIE sold land to Col. James A. WITHERSPOON of Franklin County Mississippi to wit; 12 1/2 arpens front on both sides of Bayou Black, with 40 arpens depth, on both sides, bounded above by vendor and below by land of Dr. John D. SMITH, for $5000.00. Witnessed by Auguste H. VERRET and Henry Claiborne THIBODAUX.
No. 552 3/369 On February 27, 1828 Brigite BELLANGER widow H. S. THIBODAUX sold land to Jean Baptiste MONIER to wit; 2 arpens front on right bank of Bayou Terrebonne with depth as the certificate of confirmation calls for, bounded above by land of vendor and below by land of Pierre BONVILLAIN for $200.00. Witnessed by J. B. AUTHEMENT and Elish NABB.
No. 553 2/371 On February 29, 1828 widow Henry S. THIBODAUX sold land to Jacques BONVILLAIN to wit; 1 arpent front on each side of Bayou Terrebonne, with depth as the certificate of confirmation calls for, for $400.00, for Henry CROCHET, who, when he becomes a major inherit from widow Mrs. Julien CROCHET, his mother. Witnessed by Jn. DELAPORTE and A H. VERRET. No. 554 On November 15, 1820 Henry S. THIBODAUX ceded to his children as follows; Marie Elmire THIBODAUX – 3 arpens on each side of Bayou Terrebonne, adjoining, Aubin THIBODAUX – 3 arpens, adjoining Elmire THIBODAUX -3 arpens adjoining, Brigite Emelie THIBODAUX – 3 arpens adjoining, Henry Michel THIBODAUX – 3 arpens adjoining Eugenie THIBODAUX – 3 arpens between his land and Guillaume BERGERON, Leandre THIBODAUX – 3 arpens between Eugenie and me, Henry Hubert Claiborne THIBODAUX – 3 arpens between Alexander BERGERON and me, Bannon Goforth THIBODAUX – 3 arpens between Pierre GAUTREAUX and mine. All valued at $600.00. Recorded December 2, 1828.
No. 555 On March 6, 1828 James BOWIE sold land to John MINOR and James DINSMORE of Adams County Mississippi to wit; a certain tract of land situated and lying on Bayou Black, beginning at North West corner or point where meets the tract of land, the one granted by the Spanish Government to Miguel SATURNENO and confirmed in the name of Robert MARTIN, approved April 2, 1823, the other granted to Jose LLANO, confirmed the same date, in the name of William WILSON, thence running South 13 degrees East, round the bend, to a line South 58 degrees, 33 degrees East. A total of 1200 arpens sold for $5,000.00. Witnessed by William BOSWELL and William LAKE. Signed by Carlile POLLOCK Notary public at New Orleans.
No. 556 2/372 On January 13, 1828, at Donaldsonville, James BOWIE sold land to Isaac THOMAS to wit; 1,000 arpens of land situated in Terrebonne Parish, lying on the Bayou Black, to be taken from the upper part of a survey having 50 arpens front on each side of said Bayou, which was conceded by the Spanish Government to Miguel SATURNENO and confirmed in the name of Robert MARTIN. Isaac THOMAS 1,000 arpens shall be land of adjoining land of Doc. S. D. SMITH lower line. Witnessed by James DINSMORE and Saul Martin LUA.
No. 555 2/376 On March 5, 1828 Marie Joseph BABIN widow Charles GAUDIN, sold land ot Philippe DARCE to wit; 2 arpens fronting on each side of Bayou Terrebonne, with depth the certificate of confirmation calls for, situated about 4 leagues from entrance of Bayou Lafourche, bounded above by land of Constance GAUDIN and below on right side by land of Henry S. THIBODAUX and on left side by land of Noah HAMPTON. Land sold for $800.00. Witnessed by Joseph DELAPORTE and Ambroise DUGAS.
No. 556 On March 15, 1828 Marie Joseph BABIN widow Charles GAUDIN wanted to pay for the zeal, good cares and fidelity with which her slave named Charlotte has served her during 43 years, release the ties and yolk on Charlotte, she will enjoy all the rights, privileges, exemptions and advantages attached to the freedom. Witnessed by Joseph DELAPORTE and Pierre CAZEAUX.
No. 557 2/374 On March 15, 1828 Marie Joseph BABIN widow Charles GAUDIN sold Negress named Owline, about 12 years of age, slave for life, to Eugenie THIBODAUX wife of Joseph Paul BOURGEOIS for $620.00. Witnessed by Joseph DELAPORTE and Ambroise DUGAS.
No. 558 2/375 On March 15, 1828 Marie Joseph BABIN widow Charles GAUDIN sold a young Negress named Resident, about 18 years of age, with her child, named Rosette, about 3 months old, slaves for life, to Celestin BERGERON for $500.00. Witnessed by J. DELAPORTE and A. DUGAS.
No. 559 2/373 On March 15, 1828 Marie Joseph BABIN widow Charles GAUDIN sold a young mulatto (mulatresse) named Mimi, about 15 years of age, to Caleb B. WATKINS for $860.00. Witnessed by J. DELAPORTE and Ambroise DUGAS.
No. 560 2/377 On March 6, 1828 Henry Michel THIBODAUX sold land to Thomas BUTLER, of the Parish of Feliciena, to wit; 35 arpens front on each side of Bayou Little Terrebonne, with a depth sufficient to comprise a quanity of 809 acres, bounded above by land of R. G. ELLIS and below by land of Claiborne THIBODAUX, land acquired from widow Mrs. Henry S. THIBODAUX by act December 31, 1827. Land sold for $3000.00. Witnessed by J. DELAPORTE and A. H. VERRET.
No. 561 2/378 On March 6, 1828 Pierre THIBODAUX of the parish of Lafourche Interior sold land to Dr. James HALL, of parish of Lafourche Interior to wit; a certain piece of land situate, being and lying in Terrebonne Parish on right bank of Bayou Terrebonne containing 1 1/2 arpent front, with such depth as the certificate of confirmation calls for, bounded above by land of John RODDY and below by land of Jean COMEAU. Land sold for $265.00. Witnessed by A. H. VERRET and Henry C. THIBODAUX.
No. 562 On March 5, 1828 Caleb B. WATKINS sold land to Philippe DARCE to wit; 4 arpens front, more or less, on right bank of Bayou Terrebonne, with depth the certificate of confirmation calls for, bounded abpve by land of Wm. WATKINS and below by land of Claiborne WATKINS, with all the buildings and other improvements found there on, to enjoy and dispose of as a thing belonging to him in full ownership from this day forward and forever. In exchange Philippe DARCE cede, abandon, transport and deliver to Caleb WATKINS, land 2 arpens front, more or less, on both banks of Bayou Terrebonne, with depth certificate of confirmation calls for, same land acquired this day from widow Charles GAUDIN and the following to boot, a mare, a cow, her calf, a plow and half the hogs, which the said C. B. WATKINS has on the plantation, where on he now resides, as well as the beds of sugar cane situated on the plantation of Caleb B. WATKINS. Witnessed by Pierre CAZEAUX and Jh. DELAPORTE.
No. 563 2/379 On March 7, 1828 James BOWIE sold to Tobias GIBSON, from Jefferson County, Missippi, R. P. BOWIE attorney in fact for James BOWIE, to wit; a certain tract of land on the east side of Bayou Black, commencing at the upper line, when run of J. A. WITHERSPOON, which will be thence running up the Bayou Black to original lines, for $5.00 per arpent. Witnessed by Jas. DINSMORE and D. AMOS.
No. 564 On March 4, 1828 Anderson ESTES sold to P. M. SARGENT a Negro man named Jack, about 24 years of age, for $600.00, which he warranted and will defend against all diseases, according to law, with the exception of a stiff knee. Witnessed by Holden WRIGHT and Jonathan HOWK. Signed by Anderson ESTES and John RATLIFF.
No. 565 On March 2, 1828 for the sum of $200.00, Norbert BONVILLAIN sell, cede, and abandon to Mr. Henry S. THIBODAUX, the land he conceded to me on Bayou Terrebonne, under No. 260. Witnessed by Joseph ACHET and Jean Baptiste BRONT.
No. 566 On August 15, 1821 Joseph GUENO sold land unto Henriette BOREL, wife of Joseph PREVOST, lying on each bank of Bayou Terrebonne, having 6 arpens front, with depth that is usual on that said bayou, bounded above by land of Pierre GUENO pere and below by land of Joseph GUENO, for $250.00. Witnessed by Henry F. KNOBLOCH and Lewis A. DASPIT. Signed by Jh. GUENO, Joseph Colet PREVOST, H. F. KNOBLOCH, Ls. A. DASPIT and Judge P. DASPIT. Recorded March 13, 1828.
No. 567 2/382 On March 24, 1828 Pierre DUFRENE sold land to Lemuel TANNER, to wit; a certain piece of land, situated in the Parish of Terrebonne on Bayou Terrebonne, containing 640 acres superficial, more or less, being the same reference to the records of the Register of the lands for $1,000.00. Witnessed by Jacques VERRET and A. H. VERRET. No. 568 2/383 On April 3, 1828 Heloise BERGERON sold land to S. G. MOORE for $550.00 to wit; a certain piece of land being and lying in this Parish, on both sides of Bayou Terrebonne with 2 arpens front, with depth the certificate of confirmation calls for, bounded above by land of vendor and below by land of Marcelin BERGERON. Witnessed by Ase. DUGAS and Henry C. THIBODAUX.
No. 569 235 On February 9, 1828, at New Orleans, James BOWIE sold land to Pleasant Branch COCKE for $500.00 to wit; a certain tract of land, situate in Terrebonne Parish with front of 11 1/3 arpens both sides on Bayou Grand Caillou, by 80 arpens depth on each side, 1813 superficial arpens, upper point of tract 38 arpens, which James BOWIE purchased at Public Sale by Caleb. B. WATKINS, by virtue of an order from the District Court, for the First Judicial District, of this State, in certain suits of P. A. CUVILLIER and L. B. D. CASANARE against John GRAYIER, on March 17, 1827. Witnessed by William BOSWICK and William LAKE. Signed by James BOWIE, P. B. COCKE, Carlile POLLOCK, notary public.
No. 570 2/384 On April 8, 1828 Thomas FITCH sold land to Collins BLACKMAN to wit: 10 arpens front on both sides of Bayou Terrebonne, with depth as certificate of confirmation calls for, bounded below by Edward VERET, same land acquired from Marguerite PITRE for $1800.00. Witnessed by Joseph DELAPORTE and A. H. VERRET.
No. 571 236-237 On March 14, 1828 Stephen BOWIE sold land to William KING, of Claiborne County, Missippi to wit; land being on west side of Bayou Grand Caillou, 500 superficial arpens, measured from the upper line of tract acquired from Joseph TALBO, down 40 arpens for $1500.00. Witnessed by Joseph DELAPORTE and Lemuel TANNER.
No. 572 2/380 On march 14, 1828 Stephen BOWIE, for James BOWIE, sold land to William KING of Claiborne County MS, to wit: 37 arpens fronting on the left bank of Bayou Grand Caillou, with sufficient depth to get 320 arpens, bounded above by LOURSON and below by Bayou Dulac, which was sold December 19, 1827, for $1300.00. Witnessed by Lemuel TANNER and Jh. DELAPORTE.
No. 573 1/86 ½ On March 14, 1828 Stephen BOWIE sold land to John GIBSON, of Claiborne County Mississippi, to wit; a tract of land on west side of Bayou Grand Caillou containing 500 superficial arpens, to be measured from lower line of tract sold this day to William KING going down, with depth of 40 arpens, being part of tract acquired from Joseph TALBO for $1500.00. Witnessed by Lemuel TANNER and Joseph DELAPORTE.
No. 574 2/385 On April 8, 1828 Francois MALBROUGH sold land to Jean Baptiste LAPERUSE to wit: 64 arpens from Bayou Lafourche, 1 arpent front on right bank of Bayou Terrebonne, with depth as the certificate of confirmation calls for as payment for schooling for his children, for all and each for four years. Show boys how to read, write and count. Show girls only how to read. Witnessed by Ambrose DUGAS and H. C. THIBODAUX.
No. 575 2/386 On April 8, 1828 Antoine BOUTARY, of Lafourche Interior sold land to the succession of the deceased Henry S. THIBODAUX, represented by Brigite BELANGER, widow Henry S. THIBODAUX and Leandre B. THIBODAUX to wit: a piece of land conceded by himself on Bayou L’eau Bleue (Blue Water), for $80.00. Witnessed by A. H. VERRET and John M. RODDY.
No. 576 2/387 On April 8, 1828 Mrs. Susan BAKER, wife of Henry KARR, sold to Henry S. THIBODAUX, for $400.00 a certain Negro woman named Marianne, aged of about __ years of age, slave for life, which same vendors will warrant. Witnessed by A. H. VERRET and John RODDY.
No. 577 On April 9, 1828 the estate of H. S. THIBODAUX, widow Brigite BELANGER and Leandre B. THIBODAUX, received of Asahel GROSS the sum of $3,572.00, in payment of mortgage of March 9, 1825, on 8 slaves. Witnessed by Jh. DELAPORTE and P. M. SARGENT.
No. 578 2/388 On April 9, 1828 Asahel GROS sold land to Mrs. George LAKE and Sessey BATEY of Port Gibson, MS, represented by Mr. George LAKE to wit: a tract of land seven miles from Bayou Lafourche, containing 11 arpens front, with a depth of 10 arpens on the right bank of Bayou Terrebonne and 20 arpens of depth on the left bank, which calls for 135 acres superficial.
No. 579 2/551 On January 12, 1828 James BOWIE and Stephen BOWIE mortgage land to misters Thomas BANKS and Nathan BOLLES, at New Orleans, before Greenburg Ridgely STRINGER Notary Public, for $4091.00, a tract of land situated on right side of Bayou Boeuf, descending, containing 480 arpens, more or less. The same land was purchased from Jacques MENTURAN in 1819 granted by Governor GALVEZ on May 5, 1775, and confirmed by U. S. Congress by act dated February 28, 1823 and adjoining the lower side of the above tract, containing 12 31/40 arpens front on Bayou Boeuf and 40 arpens in depth, 511 arpens superficial, being part of an 50 arpent tract James BOWIE purchased of Antonio PILBORI in 1819, granted by Governor GALVEZ on July 2, 1776 and confirmed by Congress February 28, 1823. Witnessed by William RONDEAU and Charles A. F. RONDEAU.
No. 580 On April 10, 1828 Mrs. Brigite BELLANGER and Leandre B. THIBODAUX, Testamentary Executor of the deceased Henry S. THIBODAUX, withdrawal of mortgage. Witnessed by A. GROSS and John SARGENT.
No. 581 3/389 On April 10, 1828 Asahel GROSS did grant and transfer unto Mrs. Brigite BELLANGER and Leandre THIBODAUX, a certain right of mortgage taken in his favor on April 9, 1827, upon land and slaves, for the sum of $3,530.90. Witnessed by John SARGENT and Abram GRIFFIN.
No. 582 M. 1/90 On April 10, 1828 Joseph Paul BOURGEOIS and his wife Eugenie THIBODAUX received of Philippe M. SARGENT, the full sum of $600.00 as 1 st. payment. Witnessed A. GROS and L. B. THIBODAUX.
No. 583 M. 1/92 No. 583 M. 1/92 On April 14, 1828 Nicolas Leandre CROCHET acknowledged having received from the Executors of the succession of the deceased Henry S. THIBODAUX, the sum of $76.25, due him in the succession of his father. Witnessed Ambroise DUGAS.
No. 584 On April 4, 1828 Charles BERTOTI sold land to Lemuel TANNER, land confirmed by the U. S. Congress act No. 243, for $300.00. Witnessed by Joseph O. RAMOS and Lemuel TANNER. Signed by Charles BERTOTI and T. LARTIGUE.
No. 585 On March 25, 1828 Stephen BOWIE sold land to John JONES of Claiborne County Mississippi, for $3000.00, to wit; a tract situated on Bayou Grand Caillou, with a front of 25 arpens, with a depth of 40 arpens, bounded above by land sold by Stephen BOWIE to John GIBSON, on the west by vacant land, below by land of the vendor and east by land of Isaac THOMAS, containing 1,000 arpens, more or less. Witnessed by T. C. POOLEY and J. BEAUMONT. Signed by Stephen BOWIE and Henry POOLEY, Notary Public for County, residing in Natchez, Mississippi.
No. 586 On April 19, 1828 Marcelin THIBODAUX ceded the land he purchased from the estate of Pierre SILVIE, to wit; 1 1/2 arpent of land on Bayou Blue bounded above by Victor SILVIE and below by land of Jean Bte. BEAUSARGENT, for $251.00, as he could not pay, he abandoned to heirs, all claim for said land. Witnessed by A. H. VERRET and Henry C. THIBODAUX.
No. 587 2/390 On April 13, 1828 Mrs. Marie Joseph MALBROUGH and Nicolas LIRETTE sold land to Jean Francois LEBLANC to wit on the left bank of Bayou Terrebonne, 2 arpens with a depth as certificate of confirmation calls for, bounded above by land of Henry LIRETTE and below by land of widow Nicolas LIRETTE for $150.00 and one barrel of sugar. Witnessed by John RATLIFF and Henry C. THIBODAUX.
No. 588 On April 1, 1828 James BOWIE of the Parish of Rapides, by his attorney, in fact, Stephen BOWIE, sold land to John MINOR and James DINSMORE, of Adams County Mississippi, for $1800.00 to wit; on west side of Bayou Black, beginning at the upperline of tract of land James BOWIE sold to John MINOR and James DINSMORE February 4, 1828, northwestwardly up the right bank, to the upper line of the tract of James BOWIE, thence west on the line of same tract to W. CONNOR, then south 58 -73 east on western line of said tract. Witnessed by George S. BUION and B. G. TENNY. Signed Stephen BOWIE and Robert EGDEN, Judge and Notary Public.
No. 589 On April 1, 1828 James BOWIE sold land to Henry C. CHOTARD, of Adams County Mississippi for $2000.00 to wit; at N/E corner of tract and Bayou Grand Caillou. Tract confirmed by a act of the U. S. Congress in the name of Louis DOUMA for the used of Robert MARTIN on February 28, 1823, 550 superficial arpens. Witnessed by John T BOWIE. Signed by James BOWIE and Stephen BOWIE.
No. 590 On April 22, 1828 Leandre B. THIBODAUX and Henry Michael THIBODAUX accepting the sumof $306.00 from Joseph BENOIT for land 2 arpens front by depth the certificate of confirmation, bounded above by land of Jean Baptiste BEAUSARGENT and below by land of S. G. MOORE. Witnessed by H. M. THIBODAUX and Pierre Bertin ROUSSEL.
No. 591 On April 29, 1828 James BOWIE sold land to George Green MC KINNEY, city of Natchez, Mississippi to wit; 300 superficial arpens on north west side of Bayou Black at about 5 miles from the Bayou Terrebonne, bounded above John MINOR and James DINSMORE and below by land of James BOWIE. Witnessed by S. S. WHEELER, Henry F. KNOBLOCH and P. DASPIT, Judge.
No. 592 1/94 On April 29, 1818 Mrs. Sophie HEBERT, now wife of Pierre GAUTRAUX, assisted by her husband, received from Executors of the deceased Henry S. THIBODAUX, the sum $300.00, which he owed the succession of deceased Mathurin COMEAUX, first husband of Sophie HEBERT. Witnessed by Joseph DELAPORTE and Pierre B. ROUSSEL.
No. 593 On April 30, 1828 Alexandre VERDUN, desiring to reward the zeal, the good cares and fidelity with which his slaves, named Marceline, mulatto, 25 years old, Cleonise, mulatto, 23 years old and Arthemise, mulatto, 19 years old, disengaged from the ties and yoke of slavery. The aforesaid slaves in order that they might enjoy all the rights, privileges, exemptions and advantages attached to freedom. Witnessed by Pierre CHAISSON and Louis LYNG.
No. 594 3/392 On April 30, 1828 Guillaume MALBROUGH sold, ceded, abandoned and delivered to Pierre Gracien LEBLANC a piece of land containing 1 arpent front on each side of Bayou Terrebonne, with a depth of 10 arpens, bounded above by land of P. Gracien LEBLANC and below by land of vendor for $125.00. Witnessed by Michel GACOIN and Jerome DUPRE.
No. 596 2/393 On April 13, 1828 Alexandre VERDUN sold, ceded, abandoned and conveyed to Pauline, free woman of color of this parish to wit. land 5 arpens front on each side of Bayou Terrebonne, bounded above by land of Jean Pierre DUGAS and below by land of Mr. VERDUN for $500.00. Witnessed by Lewis LYGN and Pierre CHIASSON.
No. 597 On May 3, 1828 Jean Charles TERRIO, dead ab intestat, at the request of Louis MARTIN, his son in law, an inventory was made by Charles DUPRE and Pierre CHIASSON, experts named by me, who have taken the oath. Inventory added up to $836.21 and 1/2 cent. Witnessed by Fuducy TERRIO and Louis MARTIN. Signed by August H. VERRET, Jean Marie NAQUIN, Pierre CHIASSON, expert, Charles DUPRE and Alexandre VERDUN.
No. 598 On May 3, 1828 Furcy TERRIO of the Lafourche Interior parish has declared that he renounces the succession of the deceased Jean Charles TERRIO. Witnessed by Charles DUPRE and A. H. VERRET.
No. 599 2/396 On May 4, 1828 Pleasant B. COCKE sold slaves for $1,000.00 to Lemuel TANNER to wit; two Negro slaves, Anthony aged about 14 years and Ross aged about 14 years, vendor acquired slave Anthony from Misters. Johnson ALEXANDER and Samuel Jones DAVISON on April 25, 1825 at New Orleans and Ross from Joseph MEEK of Tennessee by act of sale before William BOSWELL, Notary Public at New Orleans April 28, 1828. Witnessed by Joseph DELAPORTE and A. H. VERRET.
No. 600 2/395 On May 4, 1828 Lemuel TANNER sold land to P. B. COCKE for $600.00 to wit; 26 2/3 arpens front on left bank of Bayou Grand Caillou, with a depth of 80 arpens, a superficial of 2,133 arpens, bounded above by land of P. B. COCKE and below by land of U. S. Government. The land was purchased from James BOWIE, by act dated December 19, 1827. Witnessed by Joseph DELAPORTE and A. H. VERRET.
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