Transcribed by Phil Chauvin, Jr.
These are the conveyance records for Terrebonne Parish, LA beginning with #1 (in 1822). We will add to the list as able. They have been split up into multiple web pages so that each doesn’t take too long to open. The original records are in the Terrebonne Parish Courthouse.
Acts # 201 – 400
No. 201 Pg. 185 On April 19, 1824 an inventory succession of Charles GAUDIN alias LINCOURT, deceased. Francoise GAUDIN widow of Gilbert DUPRE, both deceased in New Orleans, she was the daughter of Charles GAUDIN. Her children Moliere, aged 16 years and Zelina aged 10 years become heirs. Properity appraised by Ambroise DUGAS and Leandre B. THIBODAUX in presence of Marie Joseph BABIN widow Charles GAUDIN and Constance GAUDIN, their daugher. All appraised for $4074.00. Heirs are widow Zabelle GAUDIN deceased, represented by Marcelin LEBLANC and Josephine LEBLANC, wife of Lessart VILLENEUVE, of Ascention parish, Marguerite GAUDIN, widow of Joseph BABIN of Hiberville, Reine GAUDIN, wife of Pierre LANDRY of Ascention parish, Moliere and Zelina DUPRE, minor children of Francois GAUDIN and Gilbert DUPRE, both deceased, Constance and Fidelie wife of Caleb B. WATKINS. Witnessed by Henry S. THIBODAUX, Henry M. THIBODAUX and Wm. S. WATKINS.
No. 202 Pg. 190 On April 21, 1824 Alexandre DUPRE mortgage to Henry S. THIBODAUX for $450.00 to wit; a certain negro woman, at age of about 20 years named Pouponne, which same was bought of RENAUD fils, as bill of sale shown below. Witnessed by Florentin BLONDEAU and Ase. DUGAS.
We Reynaud and Peytarin JEUNES sold to Alexandre DUPRE a young negress, congo nation, arising from the cargo we bought from Mr. Paul LANUSE for $500.00, payable March 1, 1809. Signed Aux BOUMAS, comte d’acadie, this July 7, 1808, Reynaud and Peytarin JEUNES. Witnessed by Simon BRAUD, COCHETE and Judge L. BARRAS.
No. 203 Pg. 191 On April 28, 1824 a family meeting for the succession of Gilbert DUPRE and wife. Henry S. THIBODAUX was appointed tutor of the persons of Ameliria DUPRE and Moliere DUPRE children of Gilbert DUPRE and Francoise GAUDIN his wife, both deceased with Joseph Paul BOURGEOIS as his security of $1500.00. Caleb B. WATKINS was appointed as under tutor and curator ad lites. Witnessed by Florentin BLONDEAU and P. CAZEAUX.
No. 204 Pg. 193 On January 7, 1823 at New Orleans Jean Francois BOSE abandoned to Ambroise DUGAS land to wit; 1 Arpen sold to me by Ambroise DUGAS, which sale was passed by the Honorable Judge DASPIT. Signed by J. F. BOZE Jr. and Leufroy BARRAS.
No. 205 Pg. 194 On May 10, 1824 a curator’s bond of $1500.00 each for Henry S. THIBODAUX as principal and Joseph P. BOURGEOIS as security as tutor and curator of Amelina and Moliere DUPRE, the son and daughter of Gilbert DUPRE and Francoise GAUDIN both deceased. Witnessed by Florentin BLONDEAU and L. DARBOIS.
No. 206 Pg. 195 On May 17, 1824 Henry S. THIBODAUX sold land for $500.00 to Joseph MARTIN to wit; land in Lafourche Parish, 140 feet on the same line with the front of fence of the Court House yard, with 140 feet in depth, with sides parallel with side fence of Court House. Land fronts on street that separates the same form a lot of H. S. THIBODAUX, and said lot being bounded Southwardly by a street, which separates the same from a lot belonging to Jean MARONGE, Eastwardly by a cross street which separates the same from lot of H. S. THIBODAUX and Westwardly by cross street which separates the same from lot of Julien DURAND. Witnessed by Ase. DUGAS and Joachim PORCHE.
No. 207 Pg. 196 On May 17, 1824 Henry S. THIBODAUX sold land for $500.00 to Joseph MARTIN to wit, on same line with front fence of Court House yard with 140 feet front and 140 feet depth to line or boundary common to H. S. THIBODAUX and Widow GREEN of New Orleans. Witnessed by Ase. DUGAS and Florentin BLONDEAU.
No. 208 Pg. 198 On May 17, 1824 a family meeting appointed Caleb B. WATKINS curator ad bona of Joseph Thomas BABIN with Joseph P. BOURGEOIS as security for $850.00 and Henry S. THIBODAUX as the curator ad lites of Felonise BABIN, with Joseph P. BOURGEOIS as security for $850.00. Witnessed by Florentin BLONDEAU and Ase. DUGAS.
No. 209 Pg. 199 On May 18, 1824 the heirs of Charles GAUDIN gave the power of attorney to Caleb B. WATKINS. Appeared Marie Joseph BABIN widow Charles GAUDIN, Constance GAUDIN and Fidelie GAUDIN wife of Caleb B. WATKINS. Witnessed by William T. WATKINS and E. BUQUET. Signed by Marie Joseph widow Charles GAUDIN, Constance GAUDIN, Fidelie GAUDIN wife of Caleb B. WATKINS, Marcellin LEBLANC, Jean Bte. LESSART, Joseph Thomas BABIN, Moliere DUPRE, Felenise BABIN, Caleb B. WATKINS, Hypolite LANDRY and H. S. THIBODAUX.
No. 210 Pg. 201 On May 19, 1824 Joachim PORCHE sold to H. S. THIBODAUX for $1120.00 payable last day of March 1825 to wit, a certain negro man named Magloire, of the age of about 20 years and a black woman named Ursule, about the age of 18 years. Witnessed by Ambroise DUGAS and L. DARBOIS.
No. 211 Pg. 202 On May 26, 1824 a bond for Henry S. THIBODAUX, as principal, and Joseph P. BOURGEOIS, as security, for $850.00 each, as the curator ad bono for Felonise BABIN, under age daughter of Joseph BABIN and Marguerite GAUDIN, both deceased (See # 208). Witnessed by L. DARBOIS and Ase. DUGAS.
No. 212 Pg. 204 On May 26, 1824 a bond for Caleb B. WATKINS as principal and Joseph P. BOURGEOIS as security for $850.00 each, as the curator ad bono of Joseph Thomas BABIN. under age son of Joseph BABIN and Marguerite GAUDIN, both deceased (See # 208). Witnessed by L. DARBOIS and Ase. DUGAS.
No. 213 Pg. 205 On May 27, 1824 an appraisal of a certain black woman name Marianne, of the age of about 40 years. Said black woman being part of the estate left to minors Amelina DUPRE and Moliere DUPRE, children of Gilbert DUPRE and Francoise GAUDIN, his wife, both deceased. Appraised at $200.00. Witnessed by Claiborne WATKINS and L. DARBOIS.
No. 214 Pg. 206 On June 21, 1824 Etienne BILLOT, a free man of colour, sold land to Jean Baptiste DUPLANTIS for $670.00 to wit, 9 Arpens fronting on each side of Bayou Terrebonne, with the depth according to the certificate of confirmation calls for, reference office of register and reciever forthe eastern district # 630, bounded above by land of William FIELDS and below by land of Edmond FANGUY. Also appeared George TOUPS, who for $300.00 quit-claim all claims he had on the land. Witnessed by John CULBERTSON and Ase. DUGAS.
No. 215 Pg. 208 On June 21, 1824 J. B. DUPLANTIS sold land to Pierre BRUNET for $300.00 to wit, 3 Arpens fronting on both sides of Bayou Terrebonne, with depth as the certificate of confirmation calls for, part of # 214 bounded above by land of William FIELDS and below by land of vendor. Witnessed by John CULBERTSON and Ase. DUGAS.
No. 216 Pg. 209 On June 26, 1824 a proces-verbal sale at public auction, of the estate of Charles GAUDIN alias LINCORT. The estate sold in toto to Marie Joseph BABIN-GAUDIN for $4080.00. Witnessed by Ase. DUGAS and Claiborne WATKINS.
No. 217 Pg. 212 On June 26, 1824 a bond for Marie Joseph widow of Charles GAUDIN, as principal and Henry S. THIBODAUX as security for $2040.00, for the other heirs of Charles GAUDIN. Witnessed by Ase. DUGAS and Claiborne WATKINS.
No. 218 Pg. 213 ‘On June 26, 1824 a receipt for Marie Joseph BABIN widow GAUDIN from Caleb B. WATKINS for $2040.00 recieved from him for the sale of estate. Witnessed by Claiborne WATKINS and Ase. DUGAS.
No. 219 Pg. 215 On June 26, 1824 Henry S. THIBODAUX sold land to Marie Joseph BABIN widow Charles GAUDIN for $500.00 to wit, 2 Arpens fronting on Bayou Terrebonne, to depth certificate of confirmation calls for, bounded above by land of Constance GAUDIN and below by vendor. Witnessed by Claiborne WATKINS and Ase. DUGAS.
No. 220 Pg. 216 On June 26, 1824 a proces-verbal of inventory of the goods and chattels, lands and tenements of the estate and the community of Charles BENOIT and Marie Pharalie THIBODAUX, his wife, deceased. All appraised at $394.00. Witnessed by Ase. DUGAS and Jean Baptiste BEAUREGEAMS.
No. 221 Pg. 218 On June 29, 1824 Reine GAUDIN, wife of Pierre LANDRY gave power of attorney to Caleb B. WATKINS. Witnessed by John CULBERTSON and Francois Dessal GAUDIN.
No. 222 Pg. 219 On June 30, 1824 a proces-verbal sale at auction of the estate of Gilbert DUPRE and Francoise GAUDIN both deceased to wit, a certain black woman, named Marianne sold for $200.00 to Joseph P. BOURGEOIS. Witnessed by Wm. S. WATKINS and Henry M. THIBODAUX.
No. 223 Pg. 222 On July 8, 1824 Joseph P. BOURGEOIS sold a black woman named Marianne to Francis M. GUYOL. Witnessed by John CULBERTSON and Leufroy BARRAS.
No. 224 Pg. 223 On June 20, 1824 Alexandre VERDIN sold land to Jean Baptiste GREGOIRE, a free man of colour, for $200.00 to wit; 10 Arpens fronting on each side of Bayou Terrebonne, with such depth as the certificate of confirmation calls for, part of land taken on the lower part of a larger quanity and starting from his lower boundary. Witnessed by Ase. DUGAS and John CULBERTSON.
No. 225 Pg. 224 On August 12, 1884 acquittance of mortgage by Eugene CARLIN, of New Orleans to Gabriel ARSENEAUX. See # 74. Witnessed by John CULBERTSON and Ase. DUGAS.
No. 226 Pg. 226 On August 18, 1824 Narcisse MARCEL and wife Marianne LEBOEUF, for the consideration of $138.62 recieved from Jean MARONGE for a certain deed of sale dated March 3, 1823 # 108. Witnessed by John CULBERTSON, Edmond FANGUY, Narcisse MARCELLE, Judge F. M. GUYOL. Also complete consent from Marie Anne LEBOEUF to her husband Narcisse MARCEL, for general release for 3 Arpens of land bought from us. Witnessed by Andrew P. SKINNER and John DOR.
No. 227 Pg. 227 On August 18, 1824 Jean MARONGE mortgage land to Jean Pierre BERGERON for $155.93 and 3/4 cents to wit, See # 108. Witnessed by Edmond FANGUY and Charles DUPRES.
No. 228 Pg. 229 On September 1, 1824 Antoine MALBOROUGH sold land to Jean BOUDELOCHE to wit; about 60 Arpens from Bayou Lafourche, 3/4 of a Arpen, more or less, on right hand side of Bayou Terrebonne, in going down, with depth as certificate of confirmation calls for, bounded above by land of Pierre BERGERON and below by land of vendor, acquired from his father Joseph MALBOROUGH by deed January 31, 1824 #193. Witnessed by John CULBERTSON and Ase. DUGAS.
No. 229 Pg. 230 On September 6, 1824 Azael GROSS, of this parish, is half owner and claims the half or moiety of a certain schooner named Merino of Bath, together with one half of inboard cargo, of the same, which A. GROSS sailed from Havana on May 4, 1818, or there about, arrived at Pensacola in the same month, then and there was taken by the United States Hatch, Lieutenant Mc KEVER, the Commanding Officer, where as there is a suit now pending before District Court of U. S., in State of Alabama. Witnessed by John B. DIRKER and Bernard E. HAINS.
No. 230 Pg. 232 On September 11, 1824 Joseph ROGER and wife Carmelite ACHEE sold land to John Joseph OTEMAN for $80.00 to wit; 1 Arpent fronting on left side of Bayou Terrebonne, going down, with depth as the certificate of confirmation calls for, bounded above by land of Jacques LABBY Jr. and below by land of Francois ROGER, this piece part of land purchased of widow MENOULD by deed dated January 14, 1824 #188. Witnessed by John CULBERTSON and Henry S. THIBODAUX.
No. 231 Pg. 234 On September 13, 1824 Pierre CAZEAUX sold land to Pierre Bertin ROUSSEL to wit, 26 Arpens fronting on both sides of Bayou Terrebonne, with depth as the certificate of confirmation calls for, bounded above by land of Alexis LEJEUNE and below by land of Pierre CAZEAUX, the certificate of confirmation by congress was issued by Samuel H. HARPER. Witnessed by John CULBERTSON and L. B. THIBODAUX. Signed by P. CAZEAUX, Pre. Bin. ROUSSEL, and Judge F. M. GUYOL. Note: Registers Office dated November 28, 1820 # 622, Pierre CAZO claims a tract of land on bay Terrebonne, 640 Acres, bounded above by land of John DUPRE GUNO and other side Pierre GANOE. SAM H. HARPER confirmed May 11, 1820. Signed Sam H. HARPER, Register.
No. 232 Pg. 237 On October 4, 1824 at a family meeting, attended by Tutors of Felonise BABIN, Jean Baptiste BERGERON, Alexander BERGERON, Alexandre DUPRE, Guillaume BERGERON, Gabriel ARSENEAUX and Leandre CROCHET. They agree to give their consent to the marriage of Celestin BERGERON, an orphan under age of majority. They believe it is for the best advantage, of both Celestin BERGERON and Felonise BABIN, that they give consent to their marriage. Witnessed by John CULBERTSON and Ase. DUGAS.
No. 233 Pg. 238 On October 7, 1824 a Donation of right of way for canal. Hubert BELLANGER donated land 15 feet wide, to a citizens committee, so a canal can be made and cut away through the prairies of floating marshes, to communicate from the Bayou Terrebonne to the Bayou Lafourche, with condition that no building can be built on the property, or it be used for any other purpose. Witnessed by John CULBERTSON and L. B. THIBODAUX.
No. 234 Pg. 239 On October 14, 1824 Jean Charles TERRIOT discharged and acquitted Lemuel TANNER from all claims on a certain deed of sale # 150. Witnessed by John CULBERTSON and Ambroise DUGAS.
No. 235 Pg. 240 On September 25, 1824 Celestin BERGERON, with Henry S. THIBODAUX, his tutor, signed a marrige contract with Felonise BABIN, with Henry S. THIBODAUX, her curator ad bona. Witnessed by L. B. THIBODAUX and Henry N. THIBODAUX.
No. 236 Pg. 241 On October 30, 1824 Ambroise DUGAS mortgaged land for $94.25 to Pierre Bertin ROUSSEL to wit; a tract of land on Bayou Terrebonne, 4 Arpens front, to depth as the certificate of confirmation calls for, bounded above by land of Mad. JULIEN and below by land of H. S. THIBODAUX. Witnessed by Henry M. THIBODAUX and Aaron HAINS.
No. 237 Pg. 242 On October 30, 1824 Pierre BILLOT, a free man of colour, sold land to Pre. Bin. ROUSSEL to wit, 4 Arpens fronting on both sides of Bayou Terrebonne, with depth the certificate of confirmation calls for, bounded above by land he sold to H. S. THIBODAUX, as will appear by deed dated December 17, 1822 and. below by land of Samson JOLLIE. Witnessed by Aaron HAINS and Jn. Bte. RICHARD.
No. 238 Pg. 244 On November 6, 1824 Pierre SILVY sold land to Azael GROSS to wit, 3 Arpens fronting on Bayou Terrebonne, with or by 10 Arpens, depth on the right side of Bayou Terrebonne and 20 Arpens depth on the left side, bounded above by land of A. GROSS and below by land of Francois BELLANGER. Witnessed by L. B. THIBODAUX and Aaron HAINS.
No. 239 Pg. 245 On November 6, 1824 Henry S. THIBODAUX sold land for $250.00 to Pierre SILVY to wit; situated in this parish and upon the waters of Bayou Bleu, back to the land by said SILVY sold this day to A. GROSS, it being 3 Arpens in front, with 10 Arpens in depth, bounded above by land belonging to said GROSS and below by land sold this day to Rosemond BERGERON by Henry S. THIBODAUX. Witnessed by L. B. THIBODAUX and Aaron HAINS.
No. 240 Pg. 247 On November 6, 1824 Henry S. THIBODAUX sold Land for $175.00 to Rosemond BERGERON to wit; situate on waters of Bleu Bayou and on the back of the said land of Francois BELLANGER, 2 Arpens front, with 10 Arpens depth, bounded above by the land sold this day to Pierre SILVY and below by land of H. S. THIBODAUX. Witnessed by L. B. THIBODAUX and Aaron HAINS.
No. 241 Pg. 248 On November 6, 1824 Pierre SILVY Senior sold land for $120.00 to Victor SILVY, his son, to wit, a tract of land situate on the water of Bayou BLEU and back to the land he sold to A. GROSS, 1 1/2 Arpens with depth as purchased of Henry S. THIBODAUX, by deed this date, bounded above by land of A. GROSS and below by land of Pierre SILVY. Witnessed by L. B. THIBODAUX and Aaron HAINS.
No. 242 Pg. 249 On March 5, 1825 Pierre THIBODAUX sold land to Jacques TERRIO to wit, 1 1/2 Arpens fronting on left side of Bayou Terrebonne, bounded above by land of Jacque TERRIO and below by land of Leonard CROCHET. Witnessed by Hurtado VERRET and DELAPORTE.
No. 243 Pg. 250 On March 5, 1825 Hubert BELANGER sold to Henry S. THIBODAUX to wit; 5 notes of $1,000.00 each by William RODDY for purchase dated December 29, 1823 # 180. Witnessed by Francois TERRIO and DELAPORTE.
No. 244 Pg. 252 On March 5, 1825 Jacques TERRIO sold land for $250.00 to Francois THIBODAUX to wit; 1 1/2 Arpens, more or less, fronting on right side of Bayou Terrebonne, bounded above by land of H. S. THIBODAUX and below by land of Pierre THIBODAUX. Witnessed by Hurtado VERRET and DELAPORTE.
No. 245 Pg. 253 On March 7, 1825 Jacques VERRET acqittance of mortgage paid in full by Henry S. THIBODAUX for $8,500.00, covered by deed dated December 7, 1822. Witnessed by L. B. THIBODAUX and Auguste VERRET.
No. 246 Pg. 254 On March 7, 1825 H. S. THIBODAUX mortgage land to Jacques VERRET for $8,500.00 to wit; 1. 4 Arpens fronting on Bayou Terrebonne bounded above by land of L. TANNER and below by land of Wm. RODDY. 2. 2 Arpens fronting on boths sides of Bayou Terrebonne, bounded above by land of Claiborne THIBODAUX and below by land of Jn. Bte. BERGERON. 3. 3 Arpens fronting on Bayou Terrebonne, bounded above by land of Banon THIBODAUX and below by land of Jacques BONVILLAIN. 4. 6 Arpens fronting on both sides of Bayou Terrebonne, bounded above by land of Hubert BELANGER and below by land of Jean MARONGE. 5. 5 Arpens fronting on both sides of Bayou Terrebonne, bounded above by land of Leandre B. THIBODAUX and below by land of Francois BUQUET. Witnessed by L. B. THIBODAUX and Auguste VERRET.
No. 247 Pg. 255 On March 8, 1825 Henry S. THIBODAUX sold land to Shadrach G. MOORE, for $500.00, to wit; two arpens front on both sides of Bayou Terrebonne, bounded above, on right bank, by land of Jean Baptiste VERTEFEUILLE, and on left bank, by land of Charles BENOIT, and below on left bank, by land of Auguste VERRET. Witnessed by Caleb B. WATKINS and Auguste VERRRET.
Power of attorney, Henry S. THIBODAUX to Henry M. THIBODAUX on March 8, 1835.
No. 248 Pg. 257 On March 9, 1925, Henry S. THIBODAUX sold land to Asahel GROSS for $6,000.00, to wit; eight arpens front on both sides of Bayou Terrebonne, bounded on south, by land of Asahel GROSS, on east by land of Asahel GROSS, and on north by land of Pierre Bertin ROUSSEL and west by land of the United States Government. Witnessed by J. DELAPORTE and August VERRET.
No. 249 Pg. 259 On March 9, 1825 – Deed of Mortgage – by Asahel GROSS to Henry S. THIBODAUX, whereby he mortgage slaves, Jack age 42y, Mingo age 40y, Bob age 48y, Easter age 26y, Baca age 25y, Milky age 12 y, Josephine age 2 ½ y and Matilda age 5y Witnessed by J. DELAPORT and August VERRET.
Book C
No. 250 2/200 On March 10, 1825 Henry S. THIBODAUX sold to Lemuel TANNER land situate in Terrebonne Parish, 2 arpens, more or less, fronting on both side of Bayou Terrebonne, as depth as the Certificate of Confirmation calls for, bounded above by lands of Leandre THIBODAUX and below by lands of Henry S. THIBODAUX for $5000.00, paid for with 5 payments of $1000.00. Witnessed by William RODDY and Jacob JOHNSTON.
No. 251 2/201 On March 10, 1825 William RODDY sold to H. S. THIBODAUX land situate in Terrebonne Parish, 4 arpens fronting on both sides of Bayou Terrebonne, to such depth as the Certificate of Confirmation calls for, bounded above by lands of Henry S. THIBODAUX and below by lands of veuve Julien CROCHET for $5000.00, in payments of $1000.00 for 5 years. Witnessed by Lemuel TANNER and Jacob JOHNSTON.
No. 252 2/202 On March 17, 1826 Pierre Bertin ROUSSEL sold to William RODDY for $47.86 part of mortgage, that being the same Pre. Bin ROUSSEL has obtained from Ambroise DUGAS. Refrence No. 236. Witnessed by Auguste VERRET and H. C. THIBODAUX.
No. 253 On March 24,1825 Power of Attorney, Joseph Paul BOURGEOIS to Pierre BOURQUE fils, for purpose of settling in his name with Francis M. GUYOL, for default of payment. Witnessed by L. B. THIBODAUX and H. S. THIBODAUX.
No. 254 1/39 On March 25, 1825 Joseph MONSAN Mortgage to Asahal GROS for $627.00 for 12 months, 2 negro males. One named Francois, of the age of about 20 years, being five feet two and one quarter inch tall, squint eyed looking towards each other, the other named Gabriel, about 20 years of age, being five feet one inch tall, on the right foot the next to the little toe deformed 3/4 inch shorter than the other. Same negros that said Joseph MONSAN purchased from Joseph GALETAS by refrence to the office of Christaval deARMAS, a notary public in New Orleans. Witnessed by Lemuel TANNER and L. B. THIBODAUX.
No. 255 On March 13, 1825 Henry S. THIBODAUX sold to Antoine BAYE land in Terrebonne Parish, fronting 3 arpens on Bayou L’eau Bleue, with such depth as the Certificate of Confirmation calls for, bounded above by lands of Henry S. THIBODAUX and below by lands of Pierre DESROCHE for $300.00. Witnessed by Lemuel TANNER and Auguste VERRET.
No. 256 2/203 On March 30, 1825 Henry S. THIBODAUX sold to Pierre DESROCHE, land situate in Terrebonne Parish, 2 arpens fronting on both sides of Bayou L’eau Bleue, with depth as the Certificate of Confirmation calls for, bounded above by land of Antoine BAYE and below by land of Joseph CHATANIER for $200.00 in two yearly payments of $100.00 each. Witnessed by Lemuel TANNER and Auguste VERRET.
No. 257 2/204 On March 30, 1825 Henry S. THIBODAUX sold to Joseph CHATANIER, land situate in Terrebonne Parish, 1 1/2 arpens fronting on both sides of Bayou L’eau Bleue to depth as the Certificate of Confirmation calls for, bounded above by land of Pierre DESLOCHE and below by land of George Hippolyte CHATANIER for $150.00 with $75.00 to be paid for two years. This land depth was limited to a total of 20 arpens, 10 each on both sides of the bayou and 20 arpens from Bayou Terrebonne. Witnessed by Lemuel TANNER and Auguste VERRET.
No. 258 2/205 On March 30, 1825 Henry S. THIBODAUX sold to George Hippolyte CHATANIER, land situate in Terrebonne Parish fronting, 1 1/2 arpens on Bayou L’eau Bleue on both sides, to depth Certificate of Confirmation calls for, bounded above by land of Joseph CHATANIER and below by land of Henry S. THIBODAUX for $150.00 to be paid in two yearly payments of $75.00. Land located 20 arpens from Bayou Terrebonne.
No. 259 2/206 On March 31, 1825 Henry S. THIBODAUX sold to Francois THIBODAUX and his wife Brigete GUERIN. land situate in Terrebonne Parish, 14 arpens fronting on both sides of Bayou L’eau Bleue to a depth of 10 arpens on each side, for $1200.00, with $200.00 to be paid for six years. Witnessed by Jacques VERRET and Auguste VERRET.
No. 260 2/208 On March 31, 1825 Henry S. THIBODAUX sold to Jean Charles TERRIO, a certain negro boy named Same, about 14 years old, being same purchased form Antoine MORIN in New Orleans. The consideration of this sale is a negro girl named Catherine, of the age of about 17 years. Witnessed by Jacques VERRET and Auguste VERRET.
No. 261 2/207 On March 31, 1825 Jacques VERRET sold to Jean Charles TERRIO, land situate in Terrebonne Parish, about 23 miles from Lafourche, being 5 arpens front, on both sides of Bayou Terrebonne to depth Cerficate of Confirmation calls for, bounded above by land of Pierre GAUTIER and below by land of Jean Charles TERRIO. Witnessed by Henry M. THIBODAUX and L. B. THIBODAUX.
No. 262 2/209 On April 1, 1825 Henry S. THIBODAUX sold to Jean Jacques LEBEUF land, 5 arpens fronting on both sides of Bayou Terrebonne, about 10 arpens from Bayou Cane, to depth the Certificate of Confirmation calls for. Witnessed by DELAPORTE and Auguste VERRET.
No. 263 2/210 On April 1, 1825 Jean Baptiste RICHARD sold to Henry S. THIBODAUX land, 2 arpens fronting on both sides of Bayou Terrebonne, to depth the Certificate of Confirmation calls for, bounded above by land of Leandre B. THIBODAUX and below by land of Pierre Bertin ROUSSEL for $700.00. Witnessed by A. VERRET and Jacques LEBOEUF. Signed by J. DELAPORTE, H. S. THIBODAUX and Judge Leufroy BARRAS. J. DELAPORTE acted acted as agent for Jean Baptiste RICHARD test John CULDERTSON, Jacques VERRET.
No. 264 2/211 On April 2, 1825 Henry S. THIBODAUX donated to Mrs. Jacques VERRET (Marguerite CHOUASTRE) a small negress named Mole, about age 10 or 11 years, being the same he bought from Mr. MOUSSIER at New Orleans, to compensate her for the inconvenience of moving her house hold, due to Recision of a sale executed between himself and Jacques VERRET. Witnessed by DELAPORTE and L. B. THIBODAUX.
No. 265 2/217 On April 9, 1825 Francois THIBODAUX and his wife donated to Anne Marguerite THIBODAUX BONVILAIN, their daughter, a piece of land situated in this Parish, on both banks of Bayou L’eau Bleue, 2 arpens front, to depth of 10 arpens on each side. Portion of greater piece bought from Henry S. THIBODAUX on March 31, 1825. Witnessed by Aaron HAINS and John McHENRY.
No. 266 2/214 On April 9,1825 Francois THIBODAUX and his wife donated to their son Joseph THIBODAUX a piece of land situated in this Parish, on both banks of Bayou L’eau Bleue, 2 arpens front, to a depth of 10 arpens on each side. Porton of greater piece bought from Henry S. THIBODAUX on March 31, 1825. Witnessed by Aaron HAINS and John McHENRY.
No. 267 2/213 On April 9, 1825 Francois THIBODAUX and his wife donated to their son Narcisse THIBODAUX a piece of land situated in this Parish, on both banks of Bayou L’eau Bleue, 2 arpens front, to a depth of 10 arpens on each side. Portion of greater piece bought from Henry S. THIBODAUX on March 31, 1825. Witnessed by Aaron HAINS and John McHENRY.
No. 268 2/212 On March 9,1825 Francois THIBODAUX and his wife donated to their son Marcelin THIBODAUX a piece of land situated in this Parish, on both banks of Bayou L’eau Bleue, 2 arpens front, to a depth of 10 arpens on each side. Portion of a greater piece bought from Henry S. THIBODAUX on March 31, 1825. Witnessed by Aaron HAINS and John McHENRY.
No. 269 2/2 On April 12, 1825 Henry Michel THIBODAUX sold at Public Sale, the estate of Pierre GUIDRY, a tract of land in Terrebonne Parish, 3 arpens front, bounded on the North by land of Henry S. THIBODAUX and on the South by land of A. GROSS, adjudged to Lazard HERNANDEX FOR $1200.00. Henry M. THIBODAUX recieved full and entire payment. Witnessed by L. B. THIBODAUX and Lemuel TANNER.
No. 270 On April 12, 1825 Lazard HERNANDEZ, refrence Deed of sale October 2, 1822 No. 67, sold to Pierre Bertin ROUSSEL, 3 arpens front, bounded on North by land of Henry S. THIBODAUX and on the South by land of A. GROSS for $1200.00. Witnessed by L. B. THIBODAUX and Henry M. THIBODAUX.
No. 271 On April 4, 1825 at Donaldsonville, La., Moses BROWN sold slaves to A. GROSS to wit: one with name of Season, Harriote 25y, Willme 6y, Jac 24y, Clay 45y and 2 yock oxen, 4 cows and calfs, 1 yearling, 1 mare for $1600.00. Witnessed by L. DARBOIS and Pierre CIRE.
No. 272 On April 15, 1825 Francois ROGER and his wife Clair MENOUL mortgage a piece of land on Bayou Terrebonne, 1 arpent front on left bank, going down, as such depth as the Certificate of Confirmation calls for, bounded above by land of Joseph AUTHEMAN and below by land of Francois ROGER and Clair MENOUL, for $27.81 and 1/4. Witnessed by Jn. MONTET and L. B. THIBODAUX.
No. 273 On April 13, 1825 A. GROSS mortgage to Clyde G. MERRITE of New Orleans the following slaves: Harriote 20y, boy Seasons 17y, Joe 2y. All purchased from Moses BROWN, for $1825.00 plus interest. Witnessed by L. B. THIBODAUX and Lemuel TANNER.
No. 274 On April 16, 1825 Francois THIBODAUX and wife Brigite GUERIN donated land to their daughter, Constance THIBODAUX, wife of Jean BOUDELOCHE, a certain piece of land situated in this Parish, on both banks of Bayou L’eaubleue, 2 arpens front, by a depthof 20 arpens, 10 on each side. Bounded above by land of Henry S. THIBODAUX and below by land Francois THIBODAUX and wife donated to Rosalie THIBODAUX wife of Oliver DUBOIS. This is a portion of land bought from Henry S. THIBODAUX by act executed March 31, 1825. This donated land cannot be sold, mortgaged, encumbered, or alienated till death of both donors. Witnessed by Lemuel TANNER and L. B. THIBODAUX.
No. 275 On April 16, 1825 Francois THIBODAUX and wife Brigite GUERIN donated to their daughter Rosalie THIBODAUX, wife of Oliver DUBOIS, a certain piece of land siturated in this Parish, on both banks of Bayou L’eaubleue, 2 arpens front, 10 arpens depth on both sides, bounded above by land of Constance THIBODAUX and below by land of Anne Marguerite THIBODAUX, wife of Jean Baptiste BONVILAIN. This is a portion of land bought from Henry S. THIBODAUX by act executed March 31, 1825. This donated land cannot be sold, mortgaged, encumbered or alienated till death of both donors. Witnessed by Lemuel TANNER and L. B. THIBODAUX.
No. 276 On April 2, 1824 James BOWIE sold land to Edmond HOGAN to wit: 10 arpens fronting Bayou Gros Caillou, with 40 arpens depth. Part of same tract of land granted to Louis DUMAS by Gov. GAYOSE in 1798 and was afterwards sold by said DUMAS to Robert MARTIN, who sold to th present seller, in or about 1820, for $400.00. Witnessed by George POLLOCK and Wme. BOSELL.
No. 277 On May 6, 1825 Charles BILLOT sold to Pierre Bertin ROUSSEL a right of Mortgage on deed dated January 12, 1824 for the sum of $340.75. Witnessed by L. B. THIBODAUX and Jacques VERRET.
No. 278 On May 6, 1825 a bond for John McHENRY, of the 1st. part, and Jean Charles BERGERON, of the 2nd. part, in debt of $100.00 each as security, as constable of this Parish. Witnessed by L. B. THIBODAUX and James SINGELTARY.
No. 279 On May 12, 1825 A. GROSS, as agent for James G. CASH, sold for cash to Joseph BOURGEOIS to wit: 3 arpens front on left side of Bayou Terrebonne, going down, with such depth as the Certificate of Confirmation calls for, bounded above by land of Guillaume BERGERON and below by land of Leandre B. THIBODAUX. This tract James G. CASH bought from Joseph P. BOURGEOIS by deed dated May 8,1823 No. 124. Witnessed by L. B. THIBODAUX and Jacques VERRET.
No. 280 On May 12, 1825 Joseph P. BOURGOIS sold the land retrocessed above to Jn. Charles TERRIO for $700.00. Witnessed by L. B. THIBODAUX and Jacques VERRET.
No. 281 On May 16, 1825 Jacques VERRET sold a negro girl named Helen 18y, same purchased from Wm. FIELDS, sold to Ingos James DOZER of Lafourche Interior, for $500.00. Witnessed by P. DELAPORTE and L. B. THIBODAUX.
No. 282 On May 14, 1825 Leandre B. THIBODAUX mortgaged to the Bank of Louisiana, a Plantation 4 arpens front on each side of Bayou Terrebonne, with depth of 30 arpens on the left bank, decending, bounded above by land of Leufroy BARRAS and below by land of Lemuel TANNER, for $1000.00, payable May 14, 1826. Witnessed by Ase. DUGAS and Hypolite POLOC.
No. 283 On May 26, 1825 a Bond of $10,000 cash with Leandre B. THIBODAUX as Principal , L. TANNER and H. M. THIBODAUX, a $500.00 mortgage each on all property and goods. Witnessed by Jacques VERRET and DELAPORTE.
No. 284 On May 28, 1825 aquittance of mortgage dated March 25, 1825 on Francois 20y, Gabriel 20y, for $627.00. A GROSS declares to have recieved the said sum from Joseph MONSAN and hereby annul and make void mortgage. Witnessed by Jn. Cn. DOLLIE, temoin, Antonio VELA.
No. 285 On May 20, 1825 Joseph MONSAN sold slaves to Antoine VELLA to wit: Francois 20y, Gabriel 20y, same as purchased from Joseph GALATAS by refrence to the office of Christoval DeARMAS for $1200.00. Witnessed by Jn. Cn. DOLLIE, temoin, Francois BARIO, fils.
No. 286 On April 7, 1825 Henry S. THIBODAUX mortgage to Morgan Dorsey and Co. of New Orleans, land in Terrebonne Parish, 14 arpens front, by 70 arpens in depth, bounded on the upper side by other land belonging to said morgagee and lower side by land of Elmire THIBODAUX, for $10,000.00. Signed by G. R. STRINGER notary public and Judge Leufroy BARRAS.
No. 287 On June 1, 1825 Wm S. WATKINS sold to Caleb B. WATKINS a certain plantation as follows, 10 arpens fronting on east side of Bayou Terrebonne, with depth as Certificate of Confirmation calls for, bounded above by land of Leandre CROCHET and below by land of Celestin BERGERON and 1 arpent on the west bank in front with depth as the Certificate of Confirmation calls for, bounded above by land of Caleb B. WATKINS and below by land of Claiborne WATKINS for $4000.00, to be paid out over 5 years. Witnessed by Lemuel TANNER and L. B. THIBODAUX.
No. 288 On June 7, 1825 Joachim PORCHE sold 2 slaves, 1 named Ursule and her child of 1 year named Helen to Charles MONNOT to pay off mortgages.
No. 289 On June 4, 1825 James VANSANT sold to A. GROSS a negro boy named Bob for $320.00. Witnessed by Jacob J. JOHNSON.
No. 290 Decree dated June 7, 1825 G. H. HUNTER vs. Wm. S. WATKINS verdict for Plaintiff in sum of $549.20 and cost of suit.
No. 291 On May 17, 1825 an inventory was held on the estate of Joseph ROGER. Household goods, 3 arpens fronting on Bayou Terrebonne on right bank, bounded above by land of Jn. Marie PETREE and below by land of Francois ROGER, and 1 black mare. Total $88.31. Witnessed by L. B. THIBODAUX, Antne BARRAS, Carmelite HACKET, Jacques VERRET and J. DELAPORTE.
No. 292 On March 29, 1809, an inventory estimate of Henry S. THIBODAUX and Brigette BELLENGER, his wife, at their request, to settle the estate of his deceased first wife, Felicity BONVILAIN and her children. After valuation of all properties and less all debts, her children LeanderTHIBODAUX, Laban THIBODAUX and Janny THIBODAUX each child gets in their proper propotion, $495.83. Appraisers Joseph MALBROUGH and Auguste BABIN. Witnessed by Pre. MORVANT and Lewis SISNG.
No. 293 Pg. 56 On June 21, 1825 Joseph BILLOT sold to Auguste ROGER and Jn. Charles ROGER land 10 arpens from each side of Bayou Terrebonne, and all buildings found thereon, bounded above by land of Jn. Bte. GREGOIR and below by land of widow ENCLADE for $100.00. Witnessed by Manuel ALBARDO and Jn. Hr. DuDUETOI.
No. 294 Pg. 57 On July 16, 1825 Mrs. LEUBIE widow GUENO sold to Dr. Richard CORTAMBERT part of land in Lafourche Interior, on left bank of the Bayou Lafourche, having 333 Superficial arpens and 700 toises, according to the plan of Mr. Barthelemy LAFOND, surveyor of Louisiana in 1905 (only 250 arpens) for $2100.00. Done in Thibodauxville. Witnessed by Pr. B. ROUSSEL and J. C. DULIE.
No. 295 1/59 On July 25, 1825 a bond for $500.00 by Pierre CAZEAUX to pay Francois MALBROUGH as security to construct the Prison for Parish. Witnessed by Jn. Bte. BERGERON and Francois MALBROUGH.
No. 296 1/62 On July 25, 1825 a Bond for Jean Baptiste BERGERON and Pierre CAZEAUX as security for $78.00, for repairs to bridge opposite Court House. Witnessed by L. B. THIBODAUX and Francois RODRIGUES.
No. 297 2/225 On August 18, 1825 Joseph Guillaume MALBROUGH sold to Benjamin MALBROUGH land 1 arpent front on left bank of Bayou Terrebonne, bounded above by land of widow of Nicholas LIRETTE and below by land of Benjamin MALBROUGH for about $259.00. Witnessed by L. B. THIBODAUX and Jean BOUDELOCHE.
No. 298 2/226 On August 18, 1825 Jean BOUDELOCHE retrocessed to Antoine MALBROUGH, act executed on September 1, 1825 No. 228, 3/4 arpent on right bank of Bayou Terrebonne, bounded above by land of Pierre BERGERON and below by land of Antoine MALBROUGH. Witnessed by L. B. THIBODAUX and Francois MALBROUGH.
No. 299 1/62 At a Sheriff’s Sale on August 22, 1825, Caleb B. WATKINS sold land of Pierre GOTIER at suit of Pierre B. ROUSSELL, 6 arpens fronting on both sides of Bayou Terrebonne, bounded above by land of Pierre GOTIER and below by land of Francis M. GUYOL for $460.00. Witnessed by Wm. S. WATKINS and Pre. Bin. ROUSSEL.
No. 300 1/63 On August 26, 1825 Asahel GROSS mortgage to the Bank of Louisiana, for $800.00, a plantation situated in parish of Terrebonne, on both sides of Bayou Terrebonne, 8 arpens front, bounded above by land of said GROSS, 10 arpens west, 20 arpens east. Signed by A. GROSS, Rob. J. PALFREY, Thomas B. NICHOLLS AND Ase. DUGAS.
No. 301 2/227 On September 10, 1825 Pierre BONVILAIN sold to Francisco MORA land in Attakapas, in Parish of St. Mary, on left decending bank of Bayou Teche, 7 arpens front, by ordinary depth of 40 arpens, bounded on one side by Joseph GERBEAU, and other by that of Bob DITCH for $275.00. Witnessed by E. PORCHE and L. B. THIBODAUX.
No. 302 1/47 On September 12, 1825 William S. WATKINS recieved a mortgage from J. F. BANISTER for $415.00 to pay off land siezed by court, 3 arpens bounded above by land of S. HARPER and below by land of Gab. PERE. Witnessed by L. B. THIBODAUX and John McHENRY.
No. 303 2/228 On September 14, 1825 Jean Charles TERRIO cancellation of mortgage of Francois GUYOL, owed to J. P. BOURGEOIS for land purchase p age No. 1 for $200.00. Witnessed by Jn. Ch. DULLIE and L. EXNICIOUS.
No. 304 2/230 On September 19, 1825 a land exchange between Marie Joseph MALBROUGH, widow Nicolas LIRETTE and Guillaume MALBROUGH, land on the left bank of Bayou Terrebonne, 5 1/2 arpens, bounded above by land of vendor and below by land of heirs of S. THIBODAUX for 2 arpens front on left side Bayou Terrebonne, bounded above by land of widow Charles LEBLANC and below by land of Benjamin MALBROUGH. Witnessed by L. B. THIBODAUX and P. DELAPORTE.
No. 305 2/229 On September 28, 1825 an exchange by Ingor James DOZER of Thibodeauxville, un to Henry S. THIBODAUX, a male negro named Isaac, about 20 years of age, for a negro girl, Lucinda, about 18 years of age. Witnessed by DELAPORTE and Henry KAR.
No. 306 2/231 On October 7, 1825 Henry S. THIBODAUX sold to Joseph BAIL a piece of land on Bayou L’eaubleue to wit: following the directions of the line which separates the land of Mr. Joseph Paul BOURGEOIS from that of Aaron HAINS, cross the said Bayou L’eaubleue, and beginning from that line, decend 2 arpens front and on right bank, the same amount of frontage, to join the land of Mr. HAINS. Witnessed by J. McHENRY and Augustin MONGEONT.
No. 307 2/232 On October 17, 1825 a marriage contract for Joseph DELAPORTE, domiciled in this parish, native of Dinan, Department of the north coasts, realm of France, legitimate and major son of Joseph DELAPORTE and Marie Felecite BLOYET, his wife, and Miss Marianne VERRET, minor daughter of Jacques VERRET and Marguerite SCHOUAISTRE, his wife. Henry S. THIBODAUX and Antoine BARRAS for DELAPORTE. Marguerite VERRET and Stephanie VERRET in behalf of future wife.
No. 309 2/233 On October 24, 1825 Henry S. THIBODAUX sold to Jean Baptiste RICHARD land on both sides of Bayou Terrebonne, 2 arpens front, by depth the certificate of confirmation calls for, bounded above by land of Leandre B. THIBODAUX and below by land of Pierre Bertin ROUSSEL for $720.00 on time payments. Witnessed by Ase. DUGAS and J. MONSAN.
No. 310 2/236 On November 11, 1925 Jean GAUDET sold to Henry S. THIBODAUX, 1 negress named Milite 23 years old, for $700.00. Witnessed by Jh. DELAPORTE and Jacques VERRET.
No. 311 A sale at auction of all property belonging to the community of Joseph ROGER and his widow Carmelite HACKET inventoried May 17, 1825 No. 291. All sold for $140.67 and 1/2 cent. Signed by John McHENRY and L. B. THIBODAUX.
No. 312 An inventory of the estate of Jean BRUCE and Marie C. LEBLANC on October 22, 1825 at request of Jean BRUCE, widower of Marie Carmelite LEBLANC, his wife, deceased. Appraisement of $360.00. Signed by Jh. GUENO, Pre. CAZEAU, Simon LaPre LEBLANC, Jean LaBRUCE, Appraisers Ursin PIEROTT and L. B. THIBODAUX.
No. 313 Power of Attorney Henry S. THIBODAUX to Henry M. THIBODAUX, his son, dated March 9, 1825. Signed by L. B. THIBODAUX, H. C. THIBODAUX and B. G. THIBODAUX.
No. 314 2/237 On November 19, 1825 at a public auction, all property of the community of Marie Carmelite LEBLANC, deceased and husband Jean BRUCE, inventoried and appraised October 20, 1825, No. 312. Sold for $444.31. Signed by Jh. GUENO, P. CAZEAUX, Simon Pre. LEBLANC, Joseph Rt. LEBLANC, Joseph J. DARCE and Jean BRUCE, dated November 20, 1825.
No. 315 2/238 On November 21, 1825 Francois THIBODAUX sold land to John RODDY to wit: One and half arpens fronting on the right bank of Bayou Terrebonne, with depth the certificate of confirmation calls for, bounded above by land of S. G. MOORE and below by land of Pierre Joseph THIBODAUX for $230.00. Witnessed by L. B. THIBODAUX and Leonard CROCHET.
No. 316 2/239 On November 21, 1825 Widow Julien CROCHET (Marguerite BELANGER) sold land to Jean COMEAU to wit: situated on both sides of Bayou Terrebonne, one and a half arpent front, by depth the certificate of confirmation calls for, bounded above by land of Pierre THIBODAUX and below by land of Leandre CROCHET for $210.00. Witnessed by John McHENRY and John RODDY.
No. 317 2/241 On November 22, 1825 Claiborne THIBODAUX exchanged with widow Julien CROCHET a piece of land on both banks of Bayou Terrebonne, containing 3 arpens front by depth the certificate of confirmation calls for, bounded above by land of Allexander BERGERON and below by land of Henry S. THIBODAUX, exchanged for land on both banks of Bayou Terrebonne, 3 arpens front by depth th certificate of confirmation calls for bounded above by land of H. S. THIBODAUX and below on right side of Bayou Terrebonne by land of Ambroise DUGAS and on left side of Bayou Terrebonne by land of Auguste BABIN. Witnessed by Jh. DELAPORTE and L. B. THIBODAUX.
No. 318 2/240 On November 22, 1825 widow Julien CROCHET sold land to Mr. Leonore CROCHET to wit: land on right bank of Bayou Terrebonne 3 arpens front by depth the certificate of confirmation calls for, bounded above by land of Allexandre BERGERON and below by land of Henry S. THIBODAUX for $800.00. Witnessed by L. B. THIBODAUX and Jh. DELAPORTE.
No. 319 2/242 On November 26, 1825 H. S. THIBODAUX sold land to William RODDY, Catherine THOMAS (his wife), John CLARK and Mary Magdelen RODDY (his wife) to wit: about 13 miles from Bayou Lafourche on both sides of Bayou Terrebonne, 10 arpens front, with depth as certificate of confirmation calls for, bounded above by land of H. S. THIBODAUX and below by land of H. S. THIBODAUX and slaves Charles 30 years old, Ben 26 years old, for $4000.00. Witnessed by A. GROSS and John REIDT.
No. 320 2/244 On November 26, 1825, Power of Attorney Hierome HERNANDES gives power of attorney to John CLARK. Where as a certain Deed of Sale, December 29, 1823 recorded Book B – Page 149 No. 181, retroceed and deliver to H. S. THIBODAUX, except House belongs to Mr. DARCE. Witnessed by A. GROSS and John REIDT.
No. 321 1/243 On December 6, 1825 Auguste ROGER sold land to Lemuel TANNER to wit: situate in this Parish, 1/2 of larger tract, claimed by ROGER, refrence to the office of Register of Land Claims No. 250, back part of the Plantation where TANNER resides, containing 320 superficial acres, for $400.00. TANNER can take either upper or lower tract, when surveyed. Witnessed by Jacques VERRET and P. DELAPORTE.
No. 322 1/70 On December 8, 1825, Jean Charles TERRIOT Jr. mortgaged to Aubin THIBODAUX, for tutor of minor Edouard SAVOIT for security $900.00, land situate in this Parish, on left bank of Bayou TERREBONNE, 3 arpens front, by depth certificate of confirmation calls for, bounded above by land of Guillaume BERGERON and below by land of Leandre B. THIBODAUX. Witnessed by Hubert BELLANGER and Lewis SYNG.
No. 323 2/248 On December 12, 1925 Francois THIBODAUX and wife Brigite GUERIN ceded to Henry S. THIBODAUX $1200.00 owed by Samuel B. STORGES of Assumption Parish, sold to Samuel B. STORGES land situated in Parish of Assumption, on the west bank of Bayou Lafourche, 2 1/2 arpens front, bounded above by land of Charles FORET and below by the said STORAGES. Witnessed by Jacques VERRET and Jh. DELAPORTE. Signed by Francois THIBODAUX, Brigite GUERIN, H. S. THIBODAUX adn Judge Leufroy BARRAS.
No. 324 2/247 ½ On December 14, 1925 Alexis LEJEUNE sold to Jean Martin LEBLANC, land about 19 miles from Bayou Lafourche, fronting on both sides of Bayou Terrebonne, 10 arpens front, by depth the certificate of confirmation calls for, bounded above by land of Henry MENOUL and below by land of Alexis LEJEUNE. Witrnessed by Jacques VERRET and Jh. DELAPORTE.
No. 325 Power of Attorney dated December 16, 1825. James BOWIE of the Parish of Rapides, gave power of attorney to Lemuel TANNER. Witnessed by Edmond HOGAN and Aaron KING.
No. 326 2/247 On December 10, 1825 Jacques TERRIOT exchanged land with Simon BERGERON to wit: TERRIOT cedes land in Terrebonne Parish, on the left bank of Bayou Terrebonne, 3 arpens front, by depth certificate of confirmation calls for, bounded above by land of S. G. MOORE and below by land of Jean COMEAU. BERGERON cedes land in Lafourche Interior, on right bank of Bayou Lafourche, 2 arpens front, by a depth of 40 arpens, bounded above by land of Simon BERGERON and below by land of Alexis AUTIN. Witnessed by H. M. THIBODAUX and Jh. DELAPORTE.
No. 328 M.1/71 On December 23, 1825 Ursin PREVOST and Eliza TOUPS renounce the Succession of the late George TOUPS. Witnessed by H. S. THIBODAUX and P. CAZEAUX.
No. 329 2/252 On December 24, 1825 Eloise BERGERON sold to Antoine CALVET, land siturate in this Parish, containing 2 arpens front on left bank of Bayou Terrebonne, by depth certificate of confirmation calls for, bounded above by land of Henry S. THIBODAUX and below by land of Eloise BERGERON. Witnessed by Lemuel TANNER and L. B. THIBODAUX.
No. 330 2/250 On December 24, 1825 Henry S. THIBODAUX sold land to John FUQUA and Nathaniel FUQUA land situate in this Parish, 9 arpens on left bank of Bayou Terrebonne going down, all the land between the lower line of widow Charles BOURQUE, to depth certificate of confirmation calls for, and on right bank, 6 arpens front, from Bayou Canne to the upper line of Henry S. THIBODAUX, to the depth the certificate of confirmation calls for, for $2600.00. Witnessed by Jacques VERRET and C. B. WATKINS.
No. 331 On December 22, 1825 An Inventory Succession of George TOUPS. The Community of George TOUPS and Marie Louise TOUPS was taken with Pierre CAZEAUX and Hubert BELANGER as appraisers. Total $464.62 1/2. Witnessed by C. B. WATKINS and H. S. THIBODAUX.
No. 332 On December 22, 1825 an inventory appraisment of estate of Mathurin LEBLANC (deceased) and Madam George TOUPS. An inventory of the property of Mathurin LEBLANC was appraised by Pierre CAZEAUX and Hubert BELLENGER. Total was $74.87 1/2. Witnessed by C. B. WATKINS, H. S. THIBODAUX, Simon BERGERON and Etienne LEBLANC.
No. 333 On December 22, 1825 a sale at auction, the estate of Mathurin LEBLANC for $46.54. Witnessed by Simon BERGERON, Etienne LEBLANC and Hubert BELLANGER.
No. 334 2/252 On December 27, 1825 Charles DANTIN sold land to Mathurin PITRE to wit: piece of land situate in this parish on Bayou L’eau Bleue, 3 1/2 arpens front on each side, by depth of 37 arpens, bounded above by land of Jn. Baptiste DANTIN and below by land of Fabien DANTIN, for $400.00. Witnessed by Jh. DELAPORTE and Lemuel TANNER.
No. 335 2/253 On December 27, 1825 Jean Baptiste DANTIN sold land to Mathurin PITRE to wit: land situate in this parish on Bayou L’Bleue, 2 1/2 arpens front on each side, to depth of 37 arpens, bounded above by land of Paul DANTIN and below by land of Mathurin PITRE, for $400.00. Witnessed by Jh. DELAPORTE and Lemuel TANNER.
No. 336 2/254 On December 28, 1825 Charles BENOIT sold land to Louis Andre DUBOIS to wit: a piece of land situate in this Parish, 2 arpens front by 20 arpens depth on the left bank of Bayou Terrebonne, bounded above by land of Joseph BENOIT and below by land of S. G. MOORE. Land acquired by Charles BENOIT from Henry S. THIBODAUX, for $500.00. Witnessed by P. CAZEAUX and Jh. DELAPORTE.
No. 337 2/258 On December 13, 1825 Henry S. THIBODAUX sold land to Florentin BOUDREAUX to wit: land situate in this Parish, 2 arpens front on each side of Bayou Terrebonne, by depth certificate of confirmation calls for, bounded above by land of Mrs. Julien CROCHET and below by land of Jean Baptiste BERGERON for $1000.00. Witnessed by Wm. S. WATKINS and C. B. WATKINS.
No. 338 2/257 On December 30, 1825 Auguste BABIN, having recieved the $500.00 due him, released sale dated December 16, 1817 – 5 arpens front on right bank of Bayou Terrebonne, bounded above by land of Mrs. CROCHET and below by land of Joseph Paul BOURGEOIS. Witnessed by L. B. THIBODAUX and Louis MICHEL.
No. 339 2/256 On December 13, 1825 Marie Joseph MALBROUGH, widow Nicolas LIRETTE, recieved $300.00 for the sale of land October 18, 1823, for 3 arpens front on right bank of Bayou Terrebonne, bounded above by land of FAQUA and below by land of Jacques LEBOEUF. Witnessed by E. PORCHE and Ase. DUGAS.
No. 340 2/255 On December 13, 1825 William FIELDS exchanged slaves with Joseph MALBROUGH to wit: 2 slaves, 1 named Prince, 50 years old and Aggy, woman about 35 years old for a certain boy named John about 45 years old. Witnessed by H. S. THIBODAUX and Ase. DUGAS.
No. 341 Johm WILLIAMSON sold to Asahel GROSS a negro man about 21 years old named Stephen at Norfolk, October 17, 1821. “Bayo Taarbon December 14 th 1821” I, A. GROSS, have sold on to Henry S. THIBODAUX Esq. a negro man about 21 or 4 years old for $1000.00. Signed by A. GROS. Recorded January 6, 1826.
No. 342 2/259 On Janurary 6, 1826 Jean Baptiste BEAUSERGENT exchanged with Rosemond BERGERON land to wit: land situate in this Parish on right decending bank, 1 1/2 arpent front, by depth certificate of confirmation calls for, bounded above by land of Jean Baptiste BERGERON and below by land of H. S. THIBODAUX, in counter, a piece of land situated in this Parish on Bayou L’eau Bleue, 2 arpens front, by 10 arpens depth, bounded above by land of Pierre SILVY and below by land of Henry S. THIBODAUX. Witnessed by Jacques VERRET and Jh. DELAPORTE.
No. 343 M. 1/48 On Janurary 2, 1826 William RODDY Sr. transfers a mortgage to Pierre Bertin ROUSSEL, a merchant in Thibodaux, for $16.87 1/2 , part of mortgage from Ambroise DUGAS on tract of land No. 236. Witnessed by Jh. DELAPORTE and L. B. THIBODAUX.
No. 344 1/49 On January 5, 1826 Pierre Bertin ROUSSEL cancelled the inscription taken for his benefit in office of Clerk of this Parish, as can be seen by referring to No. 236. Witnessed by Jh. DELAPORTE and L. B. THIBODAUX.
No. 345 1/50 On January 9, 1826 Jean Baptiste BEAUSERBEANT sold a mortgage to Michel BERNARD for $360.15, which was contracted in his favor by Jacques ADAM for land 2 arpens front bounded above by land of Marcelin BERGERON and below by land of Jean Baptiste BEAUSERBEANT. Witnessed by H. M. THIBODAUX and Jh. DELAPORTE.
No. 346 1/51 On January 11, 1826 Mrs. Gabriel ARCENEAUX nee Catherine LEBOEUF has recieved $1000.00 for sale executed June 15, 1822 No. 12, released mortgage. Witnessed by E. PORCHE and Jh. DELAPORTE.
No. 347 2/260 On Janurary 12, 1826 Pierre BILLOT sold land to Pierre Bertin ROUSSEL to wit: a piece of land situate in this Parish containing 8 arpens front on each side of Bayou Terrebonne, by depth certificate of confirmation calls for, bounded above by land of Pre. Bin ROUSSEL and below by land of Pierre BILLOT for $800.00. Witnessed by Jacques VERRET and Francois RODRIGUES.
No. 348 2/262 On Janurary 24, 1826 Simon BERGERON exchanged land with Stanislas BOUDREAUX to wit: 3 arpens front on left bank of Bayou Terrebonne, by depth the certificate of confirmation calls for, bounded above by land of S. G. MOORE and below by land of Jean COMAU for land in Lafourche Interior on left bank of Bayou Lafourche, 1 arpent and 37 feet front by ordinary depth of 40 arpens, bounded above by land of Joseph ESTEVEN and below by land of Auguste BOUDREAUX. Witnessed by J. DOZIER and Lemuel TANNER.
No. 349 1/261 On January 24, 1826 Alexandre BOULER sold land to Auguste ROGER to wit: a piece of land situate in this Parish 2 arpens front by depth certificate of confirmation calls for, on right bank of Bayou Terrebonne, bounded above by land of Thomas FITCH and below by land of Henry S. THIBODAUX. Witnessed by Lemuel TANNER and L. B. THIBODAUX.
No. 350 2/264 On February 21, 1826 Gabriel ARCENAU sold land to Joseph SOUAVEZ to wit: 1/2 arpent front on right bank of Bayou Terrebonne, by depth the certificate of confirmation calls for, for $350.00. Witnessed by Jacques VERRET and Jh. DELAPORTE.
No. 351 M. 1/52 On March 1, 1826 a bond for Wm. Claiborne WATKINS and Pierre BONVILAIN as security, to Terrebonne Parish, each a $100.00 property bond, for the Constable of Parish. Witnessed Leufroy BARRAS.
No. 352 1/191 On May 27, 1824 Francis M. GUYOL sold land to Jacques VERRET to wit: 5 arpens front on each side of Bayou Terrebonne, by depth certificate of confirmation calls for, bounded above by land of Pierre GAUTIER and below by land of vender, for $330.00. Witnessed by Jh. DELAPORTE and Leufroy BARRAS. Recorded March 2, 1826. .
No. 353 2/192 On November 13, 1824 Deed of Sale, Francis M. GUYOL sold land to Jean Charles TERRIOT to wit; 2 arpens front on each side of Bayou Terrebonne, to depth the certificate of confirmation calls for, bounded above by land of Jacque VERRET and below by land of Laurent PICHOFF, for $200.00. Witnessed by J. DOZER, Jeremiah HARRIS and Jean DULLIE, Temoine.
No. 354 2/265 On March 1, 1826 On March 1, 1826 Jean Charles TERIO sold land to Joseph MILONE to wit; a certain land, situated in this Parish containing 2 Arpens front on each bank of Bayou Terrebonne, by a depth as the certificate of confirmation calls for, bounded above by land of vendor and below by land of Laurent PICHOFF for $400.00. Witnessed by Jh. DELAPORTE and E. PORCHE.
No. 355 2/266 On March 16, 1826 Pierre BILLOT exchanged land with Marie JEANNE, a free woman of color, a certain piece of land situate in this Parish, 5 Arpens front on each side of Bayou Terrebonne, by depth certificate of confirmation calls for, bounded above by land of Michel BILLOT and below by land of Etienne BILLOT for a piece of land situate in this Parish, by depth certificate of confirmation calls for, 2 Arpens front, bounded above by land of Joseph BASQUE and below by land of Etienne JEANNE. Pierre BILLOT declares that for the services rendered him by the said Marie JEANNE, for many years during which she lived with him as his house keeper, he has made this exchange, with which he says he is entirely satisfied. Witnessed by Michel DARDART and Charles PURKINS.
No. 356 2/271 On March 17, 1826 Pierre BILLOT sold land to Francois TIRCUI to wit: 1 2/3 Arpens front on each side of Bayou Terrebonne, by depth the certificate of confirmation calls for, bounded above by land of Joseph BASQUE and below by land of Etienne JEANNE for $206.66. Witnessed by Michel DARDART and Charles PURKINS.
No. 357 2/270 On March 17, 1826 Etienne BILLOT sold land to Charles PURKINS to wit; a piece of land situate in this Parish, containing 5 Arpens front on each side of Bayou Terrebonne, by depth the certificate of confirmation calls for, bounded above by land of Mrs. TYSON and below by land of Joseph BASQUE for $ 500.00. Witnessed by Michel DARDART and Joseph BASQUE.
No. 358 2/269 On March 17, 1826 Etienne BILLOT sold to Joseph BASQUE land to wit; 3 Arpens front on each side of Bayou Terrebonne, by depth certificate of confirmation calls for, bounded above by land of Charles PURKINS and below by land of Francois TIRCUI for $300.00. Witnessed by P. CAZEAUX and Michel DARDART.
No. 359 2/267 On March 17, 1826 Etienne BILLOT sold land to Ann Marie TYSON widow Jean MARS, accepting for her minor children (Marie Celine 12 years old, George 11 years old, Eve 8 years old and Jean Baptiste 6 years old) a piece of land situate in this Parish with 2 1/2 Arpens front on each side of Bayou Terrebonne, by depth the certificate of confirmation calls for, bounded above by land of Henry E. THIBODAUX and below by land of Mrs. TYSON for $200.00. Witnessed by Michel DARDART and Joseph BASQUE.
No. 360 2/268 Marriage Contract – Pierre BILLOT, a native of Plaquemines, son of Jean BILLOT and Mariane GRIS, 36 years of age and Marie JEANNE, daughter of Joseph JEANNE and Francoise, 25 years of age, a native of Terrebonne Parish. Having lived together eleven years, and having two children, Rosette 8 yeas old and Rene 6 years old, and desiring to assure them of an equal portion in their succession, in case other children shall be borne of them. They declare them legitimate and capable of inheriting. Witnessed by Michel DARDART and Charles PURKINS.
No. 361 2/272 On March 28, 1826 William RODDY sold to Lemuel TANNER a Negro boy named Harry, age 27 years old, for $ 700.00. Witnessed by Jh. DELAPORTE and Antoine BARRAS pere.
No. 362 2/273 On April 7, 1826 Joseph GUENO sold land to Pierre Bertin ROUSSEL, domiciled in Thibodauxville, 6 Arpens front, more or less, on each side of Bayou Terrebonne, bounded above by land of Pierre GAUTIER and below by land of Jean Charles TERIO for $ 660.00. Witnessed by Jh. DELAPORTE and Jh. MENARD.
No. 364 On February 9, 1826 A mortgage agreement between James BOWIE to John D. SMITH. Appeared Greenburg Redgely STRINGER, Notary Public in New Orleans, James BOWIE, of the Parish of Rapides and John D. SMITH, of the Parish of Concordia for $1250.00 cash sold 1,000 acres of such of the land belonging to James BOWIE, situated on the Bayou Black or Bayou Grand Caillou, in this Parish. As said John D. SMITH, shall or may choose and designate afier examining the same. Witnessed by John STRINGER and John PETERKIN. Signed by James BOWIE, John D. SMITH, and G. R. STRINGER, Notary.
No. 365 On April 22, 1826 Annette MOREAU widow Pierre PELLETIER gave Power of Attorney to Joseph DELAPORTE. Witnessed by Jacques VERRET and Marguerite VERRET. Signed by widow PELLETIER.
No. 366 2/275 On May 1, 1826 Lemuel TANNER sold land for James BOWIE to John D. SMITH, 1,000 acres situated, lying and being on the Bayou Black, bounding as follows: beginning at the front, where the Bayou DuLarge makes out of the said Bayou Black, and running up and down, with equal distance from said front of Bayou DuLarge and fronting on Bayou Black, so that when the side lines are run out as far as the land of said BOWIE extends, they shall contain the said number of 1,000 acres, provided that these sides shall be ran at the usual way of surveying those lands on said Bayou. Witnessed by H. S. THIBODAUX and E. PORCHE.
No. 367 2/235 On November 7, 1825 Francis M. GUYOL retroceeded land to Joseph Paul BOURGEOIS, 5 Arpens front and 20 Arpens deep, bounded North by land of Henry S. THIBODAUX and South by land of Jean Charles BERGERON. Signed by Francis M. GUYOL, Joseph Paul BOURGEOIS, Hte. PALDE, Ambrose DUGAS, F. St. MARTIN, Notary Public parish of Ascension Recorded May 2, 1826.
No. 368 2/274 On May 4, 1826 Henry S. THIBODAUX sold land to Henry M. THIBODAUX, for $4,000.00 to wit: a certain piece of land situate in this parish, on both sides of Bayou Terrebonne, containing 4 Arpens front, 20 Arpens in depth on the right side, 30 Arpens on the left side, bounded above by land of Henry S. THIBODAUX and below by land of Claiborne THIBODAUX, who purchased it from William RODDY. Witnessed by Jh. DELAPORTE and Augustin MONGEONT.
No. 369 1/55 On May 15, 1826 Joseph MONSAN mortgage to H. S. THIBODAUX for $600.00, slaves Lalie Negress 24 years old and her 3 children, Noumie Negro 3 years 4 months old, George small mulatto 1 year 3 months old and Joseph mulatto 2 months old. Witnessed by Jh. DELAPORTE and E. PORCHE.
No. 370 1/54 On May 20, 1826 Marguerite BERGERON, Jean Paul GUIDRY and Henry S. THIBODAUX, this latter as curator of Marie Pauline and tutor of Napoleon, Marie Magdelain, Alexandre, and Clemence GUIDRY, released H. S. THIBODAUX, as that they have received from said H. S. THIBODAUX, each and all the sums which were coming to them. Witnessed by Jph. DELAPORTE and Evariste PORCHE.
No. 371 On May 22, 1826 Jean Baptiste GUIDRY released Michel THIBODAUX, as he has received all moneys coming to him from the estate of his father Pierre GUIDRY. Witnessed by Evariste PORCHE.
No. 372 2/278 On June 3, 1826 William S. WATKINS and Caleb B. WATKINS declare the act recorded Book “C”, pages 48 and 49, rescinded. Declared null and void. Witnessed by Evariste PORCHE and Jph DELAPORTE.
No. 373 M. 1/56 On June 3, 1826 a mortgage from Wm. WATKINS to H. S. THIBODAUX for $4,000.00- slaves, Negro man John 30 years old, Negro girl Francoise 30 years old, boy 19 years old, boy Daniel 15 years old, girl Alette 23 years old, Geny 12 years old and Marie Jeanne 14 years old Witnessed by Jh. DELAPORTE and E. PORCHE.
No. 374 2/277 On June 3, 1826 Henry S. THIBODAUX sold land to William S. WATKINS for $4,000.00, a certain piece of land situate in this Parish, containing 10 Arpens front on both sides of Bayou Terrebonne, with such depth the certificate of confirmation calls for, bounded above by land of William RODDY and below by land of the vendor. Witnessed by Joseph DELAPORTE and Evariste PORCHE.
No. 376 2/280 On June 8, 1826 William RODDY and Catherine THOMAS, his wife, and Charles KLEINPETER, acting as the attorney of Mrs. Elizabeth THOMAS, widow of the late Henry THOMAS, both of the Parish of East Baton Rouge, declare for $ 762.46 that they were owing to the estate of Mary Barbary THOMAS. Accepting in the name of the Mrs. Elizabeth THOMAS, widow Henry THOMAS, the following slaves, a mulatto boy named Isaac 13 years old and a Negro boy 11 years old. Witnessed by I. DOZER and Aubin B. THIBODAUX.
No. 377 M. 1/57 On June 8, 1826 Charles KLEINPETER acquittance to Catherine RODDY, received $682.88 from Catherine THOMAS wife of William RODDY. Witnessed by I. DOZER and Aubin B. THIBODAUX.
No. 378 2/282 On June 12, 1826 Jean Baptiste BEAUSERGEANT and wife Marguerite BERGERON sold land to Jean Baptiste GUIDRY to wit: a piece of land situate in this parish, on left bank of Bayou Terrebonne, 2 Arpens front, more or less, with 20 Arpens in depth, bounded above by land of Jacques ADAM and below by land of Jn. Bte. BEAUSERGEANT for $250.00. Witnessed by Jh. DELAPORTE and Ase. DUGAS.
No. 379 2/283 On June 28, 1826 Charles BILLOT sold land to John C. TURNER for $100.00 to wit: a tract of land situate on the Bayou Terrebonne, containing 20 Arpens from each side and 10 Arpens depth, reference to the office of the land register in New Orleans, said claim being No. 246. Witnessed by P. CAZEAUX and E. PORCHE.
Book D
No. 380 2/284 On June 28, 1826 Charles BILLIOT sold land to Pierre CAZEAUX to wit: a certain piece of land situated on Bayou Terrebonne, on the lower side of said bayou which land has been conceded by Congress, for $24.00. Witnessed by John C. TURNER and E. PORCHE.
No. 381 2/285 On July 10, 1826 Francois BUQUET sold land to Joseph J. DARCE to wit; a piece of land 3 Arpens front on left bank of Bayou Terrebonne, by ordinary depth, bounded above by land of Henry S. THIBODAUX and below by land of Alexandre DUPRE. Witnessed by E. PORCHE and Jh. DELAPORTE.
No. 382 On May 13, 1826 a Partnership – “The Canal BELANGER Society” was formed to dig a canal from the Plantation of Hubert BELANGER to the canal of William FIELDS on Bayou Lafourche. Signed by Hubert BELLENGER, P. CAZEAUX, Jh. GUENO, Pre. GAUTIER, Bte. DUPLANTI, Laurent PICHOF, Gerome DUPRE, Pierre BRUNET, Charles PURKINS, Jean Jn. TYSON, J. Bte. BOUDREAU, Pelegrain BOUDREAU, Isidore BOUDREAUX, Francois BOUDREAUX, Charles DUPRE, Jean DUPRE Sr., J. Charles NAQUIN, Widow Jean NAQUIN, Alexandre VERDIN, Jean M. NAQUIN, Jacques BILLIOT, Bt. GREGOIRE, Jean CHARPENTIER, Ch. BOURQUE, Etienne BILLIOT, Pierre BILLIOT, Michel BILIOT, Louis TOUPS, Joseph P. DARCE, Js. Pre. LEDET, Joseph MILOME, Jean Baptis HENRI, Gabriel LEBOUEF, J. Bt. Theodore HENRY, Jean DUPRE Jr., Valentin CEVIN, Eugene JANVIER, Solomon VERRET, J. MONSAN, Renaud BOUDREAUX, Guillaume HENRY, Ch. M. HENRY and Joseph BOUDREAUX.
No. 383 2/286 On July 15, 1826 a release from Pierre BILIOT to Pierre Bertin ROUSSEL for cancellation of the inscription made for his benefit, as can be seen in this office in an act of sale No. 237. Witnessed by Michel DARDARD and Francois TIRCUIT.
No. 384 2/287 On July 21, 1826 Joseph P. BOURGEOIS sold land to his son Dominique BOURGEOIS for No. 237, his share in the Succession of his deceased mother, 2 Arpens front by ordinary depth, bounded above by H. S. THIBODAUX and below by land of vendor. No.385 2/289 On July 22, 1826 Manuel ALBARADO, unable to pay for land, retrocession to Henry S. THIBODAUX, 2 Arpens front on right bank bounded above by land of Rosemond BERGERON and below by land of Jn. Bte. VERTEFEUILLE. Witnessed by Jh. DELAPORTE and E. PORCHE.
No. 386 2/288 On July 22, 1826 H. S. THIBODAUX sold land to Charles BENOIT to wit: a certain piece of land situated on right bank of Bayou Terrebonne, containing 2 Arpens front, by depth of survey, bounded above by land of Rosemond BERGERON and below by land of Jn. Bte. VERTEFEUILLE for $850.00. Witnessed by Jh. DELAPORTE and E. PORCHE.
No.387 M. 1/61 On July 25, 1826 Jean B. BEAUSERGENT and wife Marguerite BERGEON mortgage to Pierre Bertin ROUSSEL, a piece of land 2 1/2 Arpens front on right bank of Bayou Terrebonne, by ordinary depth, bounded above by land of Jacques ADAM and below by land of Rosemond BERGERON, for $144.90. Signed by Jean Baptiste BEAUSERGEANT, Jh. DELAPORTE, Louis VERRET and E. PORCHE. Power of Attorney for husband to act for above. Margerit BERGERON daughter of Charles BERGERON and Mary FORET, both deceased, now wife of J. B. BEAUSERGANT. Signed by Marguerite BERGEON. Witnessed by A. WATKINS and Wm. S. WATKINS.
No. 388 M. 1/58 On July 25, 1826 Joseph Paul BOURGEOIS mortgage land to Henry S. THIBODAUX for $600.00 to wit: a piece of land situated in this Parish, 5 Arpens front on left bank of Bayou Terrebonne and 3 Arpens front on right bank of Bayou Terrebonne, by depth certificate of confirmation calls for, bounded above by land of Auguste BABIN and below by land of Aaron HAINS, on the left bank and above by land of H. S. THIBODAUX and below by land of Dominique BOURGEOIS on right bank. Witnessed by Augustin MONGEONT and Thomas MAYBANKS.
No. 389 2/290 On July 31, 1826 Henry S. THIBODAUX sold to Paul Dupre TERREBONNE, for $400.00, a small Negress named Francoise of about 12 years of age. Witnessed by Jh. DELAPORTE and E. PORCHE.
No. 390 2/292 On August 8, 1826 Marie Magdeleine LEBOEUF, widow Jean NAQUIN donates to Jean Charles NAQUIN, Jean Marie NAQUIN and Rosalie NAQUIN ( Mrs. Hippolite PITRE), a piece of land to be divided equally, in order to fulfill their portion of succession of their father. Surplus payable 3 years after age of majority. Witnessed by E. PORCHE and Jh. DELAPORTE.
No. 391 2/291 On August 8, 1826 Widow Jean NAQUIN, Marie Magdeleine LEBOEUF donated to minor children Marie Celeste NAQUIN, Francois NAQUIN and Hyacinthe NAQUIN, with under tutor Charles DUPRE, in light of their good conduct, the aforesaid Marie M. LEBOEUF donated $100.00 to each child. Accepted by Charles DUPRE. Surplus to be paid three years after their age of majority. Witnessed by E. PORCHE and Jh. DELAPORTE.
No. 392 M. 1/63 On August 8, 1826 Jean Charles NAQUIN, Jean Marie NAQUIN and Hypolite PITRE, representing his wife Rosalie NAQUIN, acknowledged that they have received from Charles DUPRES, their curator ad bona, $145.23 each, being the portion which was due them from the succession of their father, Jean NAQUIN. Witnessed by E. PORCHE and Jh. DELAPORTE.
No. 393 M. 1/64 On August 13, 1826 Henry S. THIBODAUX as Administrator of Public Schools, lends $1,000.00 to William S. WATKINS, at interest rate of 10%. To secure the said $1,000.00 Mr. WATKINS mortgages to the Administrators a piece of land situated in this Parish, on the left bank of Bayou Terrebonne, containing 10 Arpens front, by depth the certificate of confirmation calls for, bounded above by land of Leandre CROCHET and below by land of Celestin BERGERON. Witnessed by Thomas MAYBANKS and Jh. DELAPORTE.
No. 394 2/293 On September 20, 1826 Jean Charles TERRIOT of parish of Assumption sold land to Edouard SAVOIE of the parish of Lafourche Interior for $716.00 which he owes to SAVOIE, his pupil, from succession of the late Rose LANDRY (Mrs. Jean Baptiste SAVOIE), his mother, to wit: a piece of land situated in this parish, containing 3 Arpens front on left bank of Bayou Terrebonne, by depth certificate of confirmation calls for, bounded above by land of Guillaume BERGERON and below by land of Leandre B. THIBODAUX. Witnessed by Jh. DELAPORTE and E. PORCHE.
No. 395 M. 1/67 On August 11, 1826 Thomas FITCH gives a release to Andre BAUBERT for an inscription made December 18, 1823, on a piece of land, situated in this parish, containing 4 Arpens front on left bank of Bayou Terrebonne, bounded above by land of said FITCH and below by land of Henry S. THIBODAUX. Witnessed by E. PORCHE.
No. 396 2/294 On September 25, 1826 Henry S. THIBODAUX sold land to Auguste PITRE to wit: a piece of land situated in this parish, containing 2 Arpens front, more or less, on each side of Bayou Terrebonne, by depth certificate of confirmation calls for, bounded above by land of Bannon THIBODAUX and below by the land the Church is built on, for $1,000.00, payable $200.00 per year for the next 5 years. Witnessed by C. BERGERON and Augustin MONGEONT.
No. 397 On October 15, 1826, an appraisement of estate Hieram HERNANDEZ, conforming to order of probate court of East Baton Rouge Parish, Judge Leufroy BARRAS went to the house of Manuel MADRAN, where Hieram HERNANDEZ died, in order to make an inventory and appraisement of property left by deceased. The whole amounting to the sum of $33.00. Witnessed by Jacques VERRET and Jh. DELAPORTE.
No. 398 1/65 On October 30, 1826 Henry S. THIBODAUX as he was curator ad bona, sold land to Pauline GUIDRY, as he has attained the age of majority, and to whom he was accountable for $150.00, in consideration of that sum, H. S. THIBODAUX sells to Pauline GUIDRY, a piece of land, situated in this parish, on both banks of Bayou Terrebonne, containing 1 arpent front, more or less, or whatever may be found within the following limits, all found on right bank of said bayou, between the lower line of Jean MARONGE and upper line of Mrs. RHODES and on the left bank, whatever is found between lower line of Narcisse MARCEL and upper line of Benjamin or Antoine CALVET, having a depth of 10 Arpens on right side and 20 Arpens on the left side. Witnessed by W. C. WATKINS and Jean Baptiste BEAUSERGEANT.
No. 399 2/295 On October 30, 1826 a marriage contract between Joseph CHIASSON, Legitimate son of Joseph CHIASSON and deceased Marguerite LEJEUNE, 22 year old resident of the parish of Lafourche Interior and Miss Pauline GUIDRY, legitimate daughter of deceased Pierre GUIDRY and Marguerite BERGERON, being 22 years of age. His property consisted of two horses valued at $120.00. Her property was land valued at $300.00.
No. 400 2/296 On December 4, 1826 Michel BERNARD, resident, domiciled in the parish of Lafourche Interior, on the one hand and Mr. Jean Baptiste HACHET, acting as attorney for Mrs. Carmelite HACHET, widow Joseph ROGER deceased, declared for $90.00, a piece of land situated in this parish, containing 3 Arpens front on right bank of Bayou Terrebonne, bounded above by land of Jean Marie PITRE and below by land of Francois ROGER. Witnessed by L. B. THIBODAUX and H. M. THIBODAUX. Power of attorney given to Jn. Baptiste HACHET by Carmelite HACHET, to buy property from Michel BERNARD. Witnessed by Jh. DELAPORTE. Signed by Carmelite HACHET.
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